Hi Blog,
It has been four years since I got my first cycling jersey to motivate myself to pick cycling as a hobby. Since last year March of my post on my cycling collection
(post here), eventually I got more jerseys in my collection due to it is cheap, unlike those which you got from bike stores which can cost more than $100+ and I can get it from Qoo10 which sells less than $50, and I also love the overall design of the jersey. I even custom made one for myself too.
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I know... people has been judging my attire especially my white one.... but at least it took three years plus for them to get used to what I wear during cycling. Honestly I have no time to entertain how others think... Their feedbacks were good and out of concern, but personally, I felt that it was a one-way or telling-me-off communication... how much others actually follow/understand my passion? oh well... I cannot expect that, I will manage the expectation.
Oh well... in this post, I decide to model my jersey collection which I got (below)
During this Dec school holiday, I decided to cycle to my workplace and display all my cycling collection, Do let me know which design you like?