Saturday, December 31, 2016

Hiking - Last Hike for 2016

Hi Blog,

Thanks Heaven for this last day with blessed weather for me to clear my last quarry quest, and wear my favourite trisuit and explore!

Good Weather was satisfying.
lets GO!

Friday, December 30, 2016

Personal - My Cycling Jersey Collection

Hi Blog,

It has been four years since I got my first cycling jersey to motivate myself to pick cycling as a hobby. Since last year March of my post on my cycling collection (post here), eventually I got more jerseys in my collection due to it is cheap, unlike those which you got from bike stores which can cost more than $100+ and I can get it from Qoo10 which sells less than $50, and I also love the overall design of the jersey. I even custom made one for myself too. (read more)

I know... people has been judging my attire especially my white one.... but at least it took three years plus for them to get used to what I wear during cycling. Honestly I have no time to entertain how others think... Their feedbacks were good and out of concern, but personally, I felt that it was a one-way or telling-me-off communication... how much others actually follow/understand my passion? oh well... I cannot expect that, I will manage the expectation.

Oh well... in this post, I decide to model my jersey collection which I got (below)

During this Dec school holiday, I decided to cycle to my workplace and display all my cycling collection, Do let me know which design you like?

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Personal - Dec Hang Out

Hi Blog,

On the 24 Dec 2016 (Saturday)

After our busy and fruitful weekend for the teens activity which we had been prepared for months, had over. Engkiat invited us for a stay over for a movie session at his place but eventually, we decided to go YOLO to watch a midnight movie, Passengers.

Look interesting.
YOLO at City Square Mall
No vehicle at late hour  

Monday, December 26, 2016

Hiking - Southern Ridges Walk and Haw Par Villa

Hi Blog,

Southern Ridges is one of the place which I had visited but no actual record for my blog, so I decided to bring them to you. It is a special trail which connects park to park. (read up more
Let's GO! my ex-students met me at Habourfront Station and exited from exit D.

Our first starting point at the foot of Marang Trail

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Hiking - Short Hiking at Coney Island

Merry Christmas Blog!

You know... even today was a festive day... to me, it was just a normal day... No one to make it a sweet sweet memory with, so... just move on and forget it... but thanks Xuanyi to visit me to play a new PS4 game, at least something :)

So I decided to go to Coney Island before going up to his place.
It will be a short post for the day trip. :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Hiking - Four Quarries in Singapore

Good Morning Blog,

Today the day when I took my leave, I decided to go further down to explore the quarry alone which passed by me every time when I took train at North South line around CCK to Jurong. So I took downtown line up and lost my way there....

Due to I don't stay at West side of SG... I have no idea  which way the LRT goes to...

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Personal - Karaoke Session

Hey Blog,

It had been awhile since my last karaoke experience, and this evening will be another one and one special thing was with my ex-pupils. :)

Well... it will be a short post, but for me, I just wanted to mark today - the day when we sang our heart out.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Trip - Christmas Wonderland at Garden By the Bay

Hi Blog,

When Singapore - Warm and one season throughout the year, can't have any festive effect like other countries... what can it do to have the Christmas feeling in local? Garden By the Bay came out a "Christmas Wonderland" themed fair.

Ticket to enter the fair

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Cycling - Dec Pulau Ubin Visit

Hi Blog,

Today Jonathan had organised a Pulau Ubin cycling trip, it was good to go on a trip together with him and his sister too. Beside the sibling, Yue Min, Eugene, Kang Jie and Gasbe will be going too, it wis great to bond with them. Here was a short post of the overall experience.

After meeting them at Changi Village for a simple breakfast, and let's go!

Paying the boatman $3 for boat ride
He earns good flow of profit, isn't he?

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Swimming - Dec Swim without facing the rain

Good Morning Blog,

December is one of those months which rains often and busiest month for me too, as most of the weekend will be burnt due to upcoming three days class for teens. This first weekend of dec, I was rewarded with a sunny morning!


Friday, December 2, 2016

Hiking - Attempting on New Route

Yoh Blog,

During school holiday, I have cleared leave during those days, and usually I will like to enjoy long weekend - I take Friday and Monday of Dec. So today I asked Mr Ked, YueMin and Max (rare guest) to join me.

Embrace the morning sun.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Cook - Cheesy Tamago

Yoh Blog,

After I bought a new tool from Daiso.... I decided to give my Tamago a try! :D and I will like to try to add in Mozzarella cheese in it.

Let's do it!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Personal - Random Moments During November

Hi Blog,

This month November I made some random pictures with my EX-FR100 camera, but my thoughts were quite unsettling.... disappointment came more than positive.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trip - Garden By The Bay

Hi Blog,

Oh my! Today our school was going out to visit Garden By The Bay for a staff retreat and this was my first time going into the domes for free. Cheapskate Jeff!

Anyway it was exciting to enter the domes, I also saw many people took amazing pictures inside the domes especially there is a carnivorous plants zone.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Personal - Seeing the Pupils again and GoodBye P6s

Hi Blog,

This year of 2016 will be my second years in new school, to think back my eight years in PV, I still miss where I grew from.

The Ex and the New colleagues

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Swimming - Nov Swimming with Buddy

Hi Blog,

After I did my Tri-Sport last weekend, this week got a chance to meet up with my swimming bubby, Wilson. It is kind of him to come down all the way from Punggol to Bishan for the swim. Appreciate Bro. Today post will be a short one.

Morning sky with claws

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Hiking - Dairy Farm Quarry and Old Bukit Timah Railway Station

Hi Blog,

Today was the day when I decided to explore new places - a new quarry and an old railway station! I happened to bump to a post from a cycling group about the awesome quarry which I always want to visit since young and a railway station that many cyclists know, so I asked the name of the place and it is located somewhere near where I passed by before during the hike. The overall feeling was exciting! :D

Thanks God for good weather :)

Monday, November 7, 2016

Movie Review - One Day/Fanday แฟนเดย์ แฟนกันแค่วันเดียว Review

Hi Blog,

In the past, there were a few movies which I can find related my life with, like "那些年,我们一起追的女孩/You Are the Apple of My Eye,  向左走·向右走/Turn Left, Turn Right, 我的少女时代/Our Times, 等一個人咖啡/Café. Waiting. Love etc" and last week, Mr Ked introduced a new thai movie named "One Day".

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hobby - My TriSport Week - Part 3 - Cycling

Good Morning Blog,

On this date of 2011, I got a notification from my facebook, I got a picture below.

Taken on 2011, I have not been riding since 1997 while during my secondary school life.
This picture was my ride again (rental)

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Hobby - My TriSport Week - Part 2 - Swimming

Good Evening Blog,

I can't believe after my workout (the morning post) in the morning, rushing down for afternoon meeting at Bedok and asked Alan for an evening swim at Bedok Swimming pool.

Beautiful Sun set.... Soft sky

Hobby - My TriSport Week - Part 1 - Hiking

Good Morning Blog,

This weekend I decided to get serious in workouts no matter what. I happened to stay over at Engkiat's house and even though we stayed up until 3am doing a video project... But I still woke up at 6am forcefully to go for a slow run at Coney Island with XY.

Pose in front of the lift mirror with my new 2XU suit.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Personal - Random Moments During October

Hi Blog,

There were some random moments on October which do not need a full post for it but I have some thought while taking a picture and take it with my new camera. Let's me share with you.

Looking Up

Recently have been raining everyday.
Dark clouds can be seen everywhere and hot sunny weather too.
I love to look up the sky because It reminds something...
"The Sun will still shine even if it is rain or dark."
Jia you! Jeff!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Swimming - Oct Dab Swim

Hi Blog,

Today is a short update on my workout weekend. Wilson and I went for a short swim together again.... We used to have a bigger group to swim but left two of us.... Most of them married and too tired to swim so thanks Wilson for travelling all the way from Punggol to Bishan to accompany me for a swim.

Breathe in and smile

Friday, October 21, 2016

Cycle - Visit Tiong Hin Co

Hi Blog,

In the post Visit to Varenta Cycle Store, Kylene told me to fix my bike brake problem , try to visit Tiong Hin Co (website link) which is near my residential area. That is Awesome! I have been looking for a "bike doctor" for my Fattie and now I got directed to somewhere near my home. :D

Double rainbow showed in the morning
Keeping positive mood for the day.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Cycle - Fatbike Rims and A Visit at Varenta Cycle Store

Hi Blog,

Previously I went to Nex (post link) to fix my brake issue (brake pads issue caused sharp noise whenever I braked) and ended up I got no more noise, due to the hydraulic oil leaked. And my friend told me there is crack line on my tyres so meaning be prepared to change my tyres.

So I decided to check online for my future upgrade on my fat bike tyres and rim. I found that there are many different types of Fatbike rims in the market but due to, lack of exposure of such field and knowledge, I simply classified them into four types based on its outlook (this is personal view on this topic; I am no expert in fatbike field.)

They come in many colours and materials, there are some cheap looking and carbon fiber wheel sets.
I remember my first fatbike has a glossy green rim (image) - unique and I am kind of missed it....

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Trip - Universal Studio Singapore Halloween Horror Nights 2016

Hi Blog,

Thanks WQ for giving us a pair of free admission tickets to this year Halloween Horror Nights 6,  because this year, I thought of skipping it, as I budget myself... But the free admission will lighten my wallet... I just simply top up for express pass. Anyway here I will share a bit of my experience of visiting HHN6.

Thanks Weiquan for giving his winning tickets

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Personal - Attending JX's Wedding

Hi Blog,

Wonderful and great day for marriage
Today is one of the day when I have to attend my friend's wedding celebration. To be honest, every time whenever I attended anyone wedding lunch or dinner... my personal emotion will tend

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hobby - Wake my Butt up on weekend

Hi Blog,

Just to update my weekend activity and thought of the day. Recently I felt so tired.... Maybe because of the discovery of Big Bang Theory videos, I will watch one or two episodes every night and when I checked my watches... I left 5 hours of sleep but because I have not cycled for a while... SO I forced myself to get up to cycle.

The weather seemed good

Friday, October 7, 2016

Personal - My Trisuit Thoughts and Whole Collection

Hi Blog,

I got a sudden rush to write down my thoughts over wearing trisuit. Here I will have to be honest with my sharing. Please don't judge me....

Let's do it!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Cook - Practising Sushi Again


Here come with one of my boring and random post XD

Suddenly I felt an urge to make sushi especially Avocado as ingredient. :D Too bad, I can't video down the whole making process, I just posted pictures of my output to keep me remind to continue to practice my sushi skill.

I cheated by buying ready-made inari from the store.
I think I will try to make my own inari. :)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Swimming - Having Fun in Underwater


Nice weather and sun, perfect for sun tanning. Feeling great because September was a busy month for me... Finally I got to relax! I shall take pictures with my new camera while waiting for my swimming buddy to arrive.

Check out the crowd :D

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Personal - Bonding With The Trainers

Hello Blog,

Just a short post to express a random night to bond with my friends, and it was a Saturday when some of the trainers decided to meet up a Changi Village to hunt for Pokemons. I decided to spare some time to bond with them despite of tiredness I have, I thought I can rest my body.

The evening sky seemed great!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Personal - Happy Birthday Alan

Hi Blog,

Here I want to share one of my friends with you. He is my Ex-pupil, friend, little brother and future cultivator hopefully, he is Alan. Today was his birthday and I throw in a simple birthday celebration.

Thank you Mr & Mrs Li for preparing such great home cooked dinner for him.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Personal - Random Moment With My New Camera

My Dear Blog,

Almost a month plus (I wrote this post on 17 Oct due to many many late posts) since I got EX-FR100 and I am surely enjoy taking pictures with it, I will carry my camera around - while I work out, while I am with friends, or any random selfie moments.

Love the sky picture captured

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Swimming - Swimming with E and K

Hi Blog,

About nearly two years we have not gathered to engage in an activity together... due to our residential location, different lifestyle age gap etc etc. (my inferior complexity kicked in too)

Swim at Tampines Swimming Pool

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Cycling - Cycle to NEX

Hi Blog,

Today my mother told me to bring my bike down to NTUC Nex to fix my bike, because she knows someone who sells bicycle in Nex and might be able to fix my bike brake issue. (every time when I braked, sharp sound created)

okay... everyone was looking at me dragging my fatbike inside the mall...

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hiking - Thank you K for accompanying

Hi Blog,

Today was the day when K, one of my ex-pupils from PV willingly hiked with me. I have to mention this because initially there were four pupils who wanted to go on a hiking trip with me. But due to their busy schedule... three of them can't turn up... K who is one of the quiet ones whom I knew since primary school, was actually determined to go on the hike and felt bad if he backup due to lack of accompanies... His moves were much appreciated. :)

Nice cool weather today

Friday, September 16, 2016

Personal - Pokey Hunt at MBS

Hi Blog,

It is a short post of what I did on that night, tonight I went to MBS to accompany and play Pokemon Go with my friend. I heard from my friends who caught many pokemons especially legendary ones at MBS and a nest too.

The moon was big and round that night.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Personal - My First Made Terrarium

Hi Blog,

Today I have a sudden feeling that I need to accomplish the task which I always want to do, I received this bowl of terrarium from a teacher since 2015. I told myself to grow something else - a moss or small plants. But I observed my desk lighting isn't that bright so I hesitated and delayed until today, and I also observed our school garden has grown a beautiful patch of moss!

The given fish bowl

Monday, September 12, 2016

Personal - Blind Date

Hi Blog,

Today was a EPIC day...... I got tricked for a blind date by my mother.....

My mother and I went out for lunching while she was on her off day.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Cycling - Swim Before Cycle with Lewis

Hi Blog,

Today I will be meeting up with Lewis since our last meet up in camp, but before meeting him, I went for a short swimming myself.

Nice weather today!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Personal - Helping PV Alumni

Hi Blog,

Today I was back to PV to help out their Mid-Autumn Festive (one of the main PV event, once every two years). This was my first time coming back as a PV alumni member to help out their House of Adventure in the school library. Usually I can't attend any alumni meetings due to work except weekend if there is any, but I will contribute helping like designing the poster and provide help on the day.

A big banner for this year theme.
Last year was Haunted House, and due to some issue, the title needed to be changed but the theme didn't.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Jogging - Dark Encounter

Hi Blog,

I decided to bring my new camera for a run and spin some pokestops at Macritchie, in fact I should go jogging often.

Bright evening, positive!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Personal - Won a Shin-Godzilla T-Shirt

Hi Blog,

I have a GOOD NEWS to share with you! I won a T-shirt for participating a contest!

I got this message from Encorefilms (Official Page) :D

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Personal - Celebrating WeiQuan's Birthday

Hi Blog,

After our three boys birthday surprised party, we were moving on to plan a birthday celebration for WQ.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Product - EX-FR100 My First Owned Camera

Hi Blog,

After a few months of saving and reading about this EX-FR100 camera from HardwareZone (link) and main page of Casio (link), I swore I must own this camera! So accompanied with my friends to get this camera. Obviously the colour I picked is White, even though I love to have the camera in yellow but sorry I have fetish with White.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Movie Review - Shin Godzilla

Hi Blog,

Godzilla was a movie which stapled in my mind since young, whenever I looked at tall building, beside thinking of T-Rex (playing Jurassic Park Music Theme OST), it will be Godzilla (playing Godzilla theme OST)

I love the posters of Godzilla - Godzilla VS random unique Monsters (made a post about it), It look colourful and exciting! Anyway... After disappointment from Godzilla 1998, that stupid giant T-Rex Lizard and followed by US Godzilla 2014 (movie review) which was okay. Japan brought back Godzilla to show the world what a REAL GODZILLA is! Shin-Godzilla!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

Personal - Taking Photos with Dxmai Pri Pupils

Hi Blog,

Today I was asked to help to take photos for celebrating with Teachers' Day, which I will have to print out for any teachers in the pictures. Oh boy.......

Getting ready of the setup

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Blog - Jump Break Function in Blogger

Hi Blog and readers,

After many researches online from Wordpress template, blog advises from experts and changes of HTML code here and there, I finally found the right function which can implement "Read more" link option in your blog than showing FULL post.

Here I decided to spread this to the world! That function is Jump Break, I found this news (link) about it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Blog - Expandable Post Summaries Method

Hi Blog and readers,

FINALLY I found a method which can make a summary post on blog and allow readers to click on 'Read More' link if they are interested when especially my boring posts usually are lengthy which will kill off any readers (if there is even any).

Monday, August 22, 2016

Cook - My Omelette Cooking Experience

Hi Blog,

I love eggs so much, I will try to cook dishes with eggs. There is one which I will challenge myself, is Japanese Omelette.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Personal - Celebrating Three Boys Birthday

Hi Blog,

This post is a short one to share my experience on organizing a surprise party for three birthday brothers.

Happy Birthday BoPo, Xuanyi and Nigel!