Thursday, September 8, 2016

Personal - Won a Shin-Godzilla T-Shirt

Hi Blog,

I have a GOOD NEWS to share with you! I won a T-shirt for participating a contest!

I got this message from Encorefilms (Official Page) :D

Lucky the collection place is fairly near my workplace, so during lunch time, I went down to get it.
Nice Encore Films bag
OH! it can glow in the dark?!
Let it sun tan awhile.
Awesome tee. :)
Trying my best to take a picture of it glowing in the dark.
Awwww... :) Thank you God for this shirt!
It will become my shirt whenever I go to swimming with my bros.


Oh Yes... blog, I have something to share... I told my bros about the winning of shirt.... Dennis wasn't happy that I didn't ask for more shirts from the company... Personally I feel it is not right to ask for more shirts, but his point of argument was that the company is making money or in the advantage for giving out this shirt to one winner, as they should give out for those whoever in the picture. He may have his point but my stand is "Contented", but he sees contented is an old fashion and conservative thinking, which I can go and kill myself for stopping humanity for prosperous..... Honestly.... I sensed the amount of ...... he has.... Dear God... If you got my prayer, please bless him with wisdom to melt his cold icy soul... God bless.


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