Friday, October 21, 2016

Cycle - Visit Tiong Hin Co

Hi Blog,

In the post Visit to Varenta Cycle Store, Kylene told me to fix my bike brake problem , try to visit Tiong Hin Co (website link) which is near my residential area. That is Awesome! I have been looking for a "bike doctor" for my Fattie and now I got directed to somewhere near my home. :D

Double rainbow showed in the morning
Keeping positive mood for the day.
Tonight I decide to pay Tiong Hin Co a visit, after work and dinner, I brought my fattie to Midview City. Before I went there, I PM them through messages (which I got contact number online) to let them aware that I will be coming.

But when I reached there....

Long lonely passage... Creepy
Found it!
But.... it was closed so I texted the whatever in-charge again...
No response...
But after 15 mins of waiting... I decided to come on another day...
They replied and apologised that their staff went out for dinner, so another 15 mins of waiting...
Waiting and waiting... Finally the staff opened the door for me.
This is how the interior looked like. Wah........
Kind of 'cold' though.... I thought I can make some friends... oh well... I am not wealthy customer, I am just a normal customer who wants to fix my bike.... I guess... who will be able to make friends with doctor unless you visit him frequently... I will move on...


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