Monday, October 3, 2016

Cook - Practising Sushi Again


Here come with one of my boring and random post XD

Suddenly I felt an urge to make sushi especially Avocado as ingredient. :D Too bad, I can't video down the whole making process, I just posted pictures of my output to keep me remind to continue to practice my sushi skill.

I cheated by buying ready-made inari from the store.
I think I will try to make my own inari. :)
My avocado sushi roll!
My first time cutting avocado, and I didn't cut it right.
but at least it looks okay :) accompany with cucumber. 
I guess I will have to buy another bento box

My failed tamago again... Hahahahaha

Jia you! Jeff! At least my friends love it. :)

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