Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hobby - My TriSport Week - Part 3 - Cycling

Good Morning Blog,

On this date of 2011, I got a notification from my facebook, I got a picture below.

Taken on 2011, I have not been riding since 1997 while during my secondary school life.
This picture was my ride again (rental)
Today morning, I decided to go for a ride and took an update picture again.

I have a difficult time to get the right angle.
Fatbike and I

Long journey together
Should I take a break?
In my new jersey to replace my old white cycling jersey.

Tried out different poses with my fatbike
Okay! Enough posing! Time to read some books.
Trying out new photography style which I always want to do.
I tried with my phone before but can't get the style which I wanted to do.
It can be achieved with my EX-FR100 :D
Really love my camera :)
My view while riding.
My view looking down
My view looking forward
I realised that I went for a slow jog, swim and cycling during this weekend. :) Feeling refreshing! :D My first TRI-sport workout! OKay! Time to rest my body...


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