Thursday, August 25, 2016

Blog - Jump Break Function in Blogger

Hi Blog and readers,

After many researches online from Wordpress template, blog advises from experts and changes of HTML code here and there, I finally found the right function which can implement "Read more" link option in your blog than showing FULL post.

Here I decided to spread this to the world! That function is Jump Break, I found this news (link) about it.
First of all, let's us understand what is Jump Break,

Jump break is a simple and important feature in blogger. When you add in a Jump break in your blog post, Anything paragraph/text before the jump break will show as an introduction/short summary of your post. In order to view a complete post, users will have to click on read more link. That is one useful way to keep your home page clean and helps to generate more page views!


How to insert a Jump Break in the blog post?

0) Before you insert a Jump Break, we have to make sure you have done some setting correctly.

Go to Setting > Other > look for "Allow Blog Feed" > Select "Until Jump Break" > Save
1) Now after composing a post, Click this icon and the "jump break" will be inserted into your blog post at your cursor's position.

This is how a Jump Break icon looks like.
2) After adding in a Jump Break, it will look something like this below.

a dotted line will appear.
The text and images above this dotted line will be displayed on your blog and followed  by a "Read more" option..
3) Done! Isn't that simple?!


This function helps a lot and hope it helps you too. :)


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