Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Personal - My First Made Terrarium

Hi Blog,

Today I have a sudden feeling that I need to accomplish the task which I always want to do, I received this bowl of terrarium from a teacher since 2015. I told myself to grow something else - a moss or small plants. But I observed my desk lighting isn't that bright so I hesitated and delayed until today, and I also observed our school garden has grown a beautiful patch of moss!

The given fish bowl
SO LET's DO IT! I walked to toilet and washed the bowl, went to our school garden and I realised some part of the moss was gone!!! So I picked up whatever I can get.

The transformation!
The nice patch of moss really spice up the terrarium.
I learned something today, which is when we decide to do something, we could not wait because it will be gone when we were ready. BUT to think again, even though the majority patch of moss was gone, at least there are some left. I have to learn to be thankful.

TO think back... what if the whole thing was gone or taken? I will still be thankful. This is Fate. :)

"if it is mine, it will be mine; if it isn't, it won't last."

What a valuable lesson. :)

Thank you Heaven for showing a rainbow.
Yes just like rainbow, just appreciate it, when time's up it will hide itself.
Even though it is beautiful to own a colourful bow but in the end, it won't last or not even obtainable.

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