Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Personal - Dec Hang Out

Hi Blog,

On the 24 Dec 2016 (Saturday)

After our busy and fruitful weekend for the teens activity which we had been prepared for months, had over. Engkiat invited us for a stay over for a movie session at his place but eventually, we decided to go YOLO to watch a midnight movie, Passengers.

Look interesting.
YOLO at City Square Mall
No vehicle at late hour  
One thing happened while watching the movie - Passengers.
The movie just had an awkward long pause for nearly a min...
So I filmed it down the awkward scene for awkward silent moment.
After 2:30am, we shopped at an empty (less crowded) Mustafa and had a good milk tea nearby.
Discussed about the movie. Having fun!
Generally if I can rename the movie title, it will be "Sex in space".
It was just a so so movie.

On the 25 Dec 2016 (Sunday)

We went back around 6am and I just KO right away and woke up by 930am for the next day hang out with my ex-pupils nearby.

Sleepy though but still charge myself up to meet up

Our cute alumni members
what a WIDE angle camera you have, Mr Louis
sometimes too wide and we always leave a space at the side.
Got my first present for the day
I feel so bad... when they said the exchange gift budget is $2 max...
so I went to Daiso and got three simple items...
and turned out the pupils' gift aren't... so sorry Gasbe.
Sausage party
Yue min in the daze 

On the 26 Dec 2016 (Monday Night)

After morning Southern Ridges Walk (post link), Mr Ked asked me for an interesting night hiking at MacRichie Reservoir. We agreed to meet up 730pm near my place and this was my first time to do real night hiking in the MacRichite, where I bumped into such situations a few times unprepared.

Looking out the weather, seemed like it won't be raining
I decided to wear (the RIGHT TERM) properly for hiking.
My Favourite alien green attire than trisuit... I guess I won't be wearing it engaging any activity with anyone anymore....
just look at the darkness
From this experience, Light plays a VERY important role
Can see our Wefie in the dark?
Check out the sound and walking on granite rocks on the ground.
Night time is surely not quiet at all and we dare not look behind us.
I can't believe we made it.
We tried to off our light a few times but... it got really dark and scary....
When we are in the dark (lost), light is your only hope.
Ranger hut - crowded with No body.
Ah! the dark forest without any light pollution made the night sky looks brighter especially the star.
This bright stars are actually two planets (Mars and Venus) which were alighted closely.
Crazy enough, we went up the tower and checked out the darkness below us.
Tested out the brightness of Mr Ked's torch
We intended to complete MacRitchie Nature Trail but stopped by the construction for maintenance.
so.... we decided to walk out and Mr Ked was hungry.
Mr Ked ate at the Roti Prata stall, and made an accidently spill which looked like a cat! :3

On the 27 Dec 2016 (Tuesday Morning)

On this date was my last 2016 leave, despite of cool night weather, I woke up and cycled to PV to meet the ex-students in alumni and new members for alumni. Even though we are acquaintance already but in my mind - I was there to support Mrs Yap and the PV alumin members. Supporting them behind the scene.

Trying to pull a metre tape to reward the pupils
while Yue Min trying to explain to them that they had to performed to impress me for more rewards.
From my shoulder (right side) to an arm (left side) length is 1m
Watching at their forced performance.

On the 27 Dec 2016 (Tuesday Afternoon)

After the alumin meet up, I rushed of to meet up Dennis, one of my ex students too. He wanted to cycle with me and explore Singapore together. So we decided to go for Coney Island Visit and showed him our future meeting point.

Weather seemed unfriend now
oh well, just go for the trip!
it seemed like it will be raining soon.
Look cycling selfie again
and one for Dennis
Dennis was one of ex pupils from PV. I remembered when he was young in my CCA club,
he was playful but kind in heart pupil. Training my patience for years whenever he misbehaved,
I have to forgive and be patience with him; as I believe it is part of his growth
After graduation, many years later he came back and
decided to explore Singapore with me on bike . Thank you Dennis.
Oh man! My Fattie got dirty....
Time to wash my fatbike
Thank you Fattie for bringing me around safely.

Overall It was great to see the kids grow up and getting more and more responsible, I feel happy for them.... Hopefully it will wash away the disappointed from the broken promises and faiths from the youngsters.... Even my friends, they care but they care differently.... Sometimes they care so much that they gave advices which come with blade; just because they concern.

 I guess I have to learn to embrace the outcome, reduce my expectations on others and be positive.


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