Monday, September 26, 2016

Personal - Random Moment With My New Camera

My Dear Blog,

Almost a month plus (I wrote this post on 17 Oct due to many many late posts) since I got EX-FR100 and I am surely enjoy taking pictures with it, I will carry my camera around - while I work out, while I am with friends, or any random selfie moments.

Love the sky picture captured
Here, I will share with you those random-moment and thoughts with you.

My Room
About to step out from home, just got my camera first time charged.
Show you how untidy my room is.
When others say it is untidy, I will say I have made space for me to reach out conveniently.
It may not be the tidiest of all, but I can say it is organised mainly for my reach. 

I was trying to test the wideness from my camera.
In NTUC, the space distance each shelve is around 2m,
normal phone can't capture the whole thing but my camera can do so.
I love the colour of items organised in the store.
Look how organised they are.
Oh man, potato chips! I have to control....

I always want to take a picture of myself looking at the mirror without lifting my phone/camera,
and wanted to look naturally. So I placed the lens in my chest pocket, and it turned out great.
oh well... If I am tall and good looking... will compliment that camera VERY much.
OKAY! I don't go deep into my inferior complexity.

Suddenly felt like taking a picture at my workplace.
I always wanted to take such picture.
Just to make me feel good.
Testing Out

Haziq is one of DXPS pupils, he is the one who inspired me to get an action camera.
That was where I started searching, looking through Go-Pro which I don't quite like....
He told me that I can get an affordable one and still can achieve the output I want.
thank you Haziq.
Okay :) At time, I will make a post once a month of such randomness moments. :) Thank for 'reading'.

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