Sunday, August 10, 2014

Plants - My Carnivorous Plants Nepethenes Collection (incomplete)

Hi Blog,

It has been a long time I posted anything about my pitcher plants. Even since my lost of some of my favourite species and hybrids... I concluded that I can't grow carnivorous plants well at my growing area.

Overview of my growing area
No pain no gain. When there is a gain, there will have a lost. Inspite of the lost of my collection, there are some which grow comfortablely well. :) thank you for growing for me.

EP Nep. Truncata x Merrilliana - it just give pitcher in every new leaf. XD 

Some random Thorelli hybrid. It vines high up to the top! XD I always connect their pitchers together.

Unknown hybrid too. I believe they are from the same hybrid as above.

EP Nep Lowii x Camp 
Wow! Thanks God it adapts well for the moment. I just hope it will continue to grow!

I will give up in growing VFT... Like God is telling me something so I will accept it and focus on my current one.


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