Sunday, October 30, 2016

Personal - Random Moments During October

Hi Blog,

There were some random moments on October which do not need a full post for it but I have some thought while taking a picture and take it with my new camera. Let's me share with you.

Looking Up

Recently have been raining everyday.
Dark clouds can be seen everywhere and hot sunny weather too.
I love to look up the sky because It reminds something...
"The Sun will still shine even if it is rain or dark."
Jia you! Jeff!
Smile! Choo Bu!

Haziq is one funny and cheerful pupil.
Hopefully he can be a righteous people and influence others the positive vibes.
Keep in contact.
Waiting Moment

While waiting moment, usually I will entertain myself either window shopping or reading.
Sadly due to busy schedule and my bag filled with my clothing for the next day, I get a chance to do reading session.
So no choice, drawing with my iPad.
I seldom sit like this but I was trying to act cool. Hahahah
Be cool.
Hmmmm.... If my camera can float in the air... I won't take from this angle.
Just smile and cheer!
Like my previous post, I mentioned that I love the perspective which shows a big solid foot of a figure.
Something like this, which shows a heavy ground of the figure.

I am so random today when I realised that there are many users posted a video of doggy in their instagram feed.
So I got bitten by a radioactive dog and turned into a doggy-man like Spiderman!
but my doggy-tongue failed me in the third time.... Hahahah

My Failed Cycling Experience During Weekend

On the Saturday Morning, I decided to go for ride to Yishun to meet up with Zhiqiang for a catch up session,
after a few struggle to pull myself out from my bed, geared myself with my new cycling jersey up....
Just when I stepped out with my Fatbike, it rains...
What a raining month..... Oh well, what can I do? back to bed... zzzz......
Going out with my Mother

Since Monday I took Deepavali Off-in-Lieu, and my mother also on off too.
I can't go for hiking as my fat butt stuck onto my bed...
Let's accompany my mother to Chinatown.
beside me is the roommate at my Brother's house, named MeiQuan.
What a Handsome dude, attract many females colleagues at the workplace.
Stood in the center of Chinatown street, looking plain and fat...

As compared to him. Hahahah....
End my day with a cloud :)
Sorry for those randomness sharing above. :) Hope you have a nice and well-spent day ahead.


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