Saturday, October 1, 2016

Personal - Bonding With The Trainers

Hello Blog,

Just a short post to express a random night to bond with my friends, and it was a Saturday when some of the trainers decided to meet up a Changi Village to hunt for Pokemons. I decided to spare some time to bond with them despite of tiredness I have, I thought I can rest my body.

The evening sky seemed great!
After an hour of travelling by bus to Changi Village, everyone came from different places and gathered at a place, playing game together - seem great!

Hello everyone!
Changi Village was crowded but not as dense than many weeks ago, some even placed an armchair to catch with friends and family members. I saw a van with Pokemon logo decors, drove passengers around to catch Pokemons. Hahahah...

I found that the camera function in Pokemon Go looked interesting.
I guess I will try out myself.
We also went around to spin some pokestops to stock up balls.

Checked out Gladwin and Calvin lazed by stretch out to reach the stop.
Suddenly the sighting (radar) showed Lapras! Hahahah... RUN! :D Having fun doing so.

I wish someone can help me a picture with the pokemon.
Hmmmmm I guess I will just make it ad hog post for taking pictures with Pokemons. :)

Guess what I stayed until 230am.... and everyone seemed tired already, someone has to break the chain which I will do, if not, they will play until the next morning. I had fun, guys. :D Really! Thank you.

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