Saturday, October 15, 2016

Personal - Attending JX's Wedding

Hi Blog,

Wonderful and great day for marriage
Today is one of the day when I have to attend my friend's wedding celebration. To be honest, every time whenever I attended anyone wedding lunch or dinner... my personal emotion will tend

to be triggered....

As I aged.... 98% of my friends got attached and happily married.... watching the videos how the couple got together... pictures of happy lovebirds traveling, keeping one another accompanying, friends sent their blessing etc etc... Can't say I can be cheerful over it... I know.... I SHOULD be happy over my friends' new stage, but the feeling of loneliness is undeniable and inevitable... I guess I will just walk through the process and sent my sincere positive blessing the my friends, and don't want to think too deep about it.

Thanks Engkiat to keep me company. 
Well... I guess I will focus on the nice food served for the day. :) It will keep my mind away.

The menu for the day.
Deluxe Vegetarian Platter?
It looks like Honey Melon salad.... Doesn't look like it based one the menu. 
Vegetarian Shark's Fin Soup
Hot choice for vegetarian wedding menu!
I wondered if they replace the real shark's fin with this, can they tell the difference?
Dou-Fu with Chinese Green
Mixed Mushroom with Broccoli
At least something :3 nomnomnom
Vegetarians Fish with Sweet and Sour
The taste tasted weird....  Look like there is onion/garlic included....
Yam ring
This one is a tall ring.
Ee-Fu Noodle
I love this one. :)
I ate two/three dishes
Red Bean Soup
Quite sweet though
This was a short post of my thought which I don't wish to think again.... I decide to leave it behind me like a shadow for the moment.


Oh yeah! there were something I have to share with you, on the same day, I have to attend a Halloween Horror Night at Sentosa, on our way to Sentosa, we bumped to Jiexiong's brother, JieKai and his GF. So I went up and had a chitchat session while waiting for cab. 

Funny thing happened to me, hmmmm I must say something socially awkward situation which I didn't handle well. Hahaha We had a good catching up with JieKai and understood that his GF will be going back to Australia in the next day, then his GF left a comment on me, "You are Hot."

And I replied, "Yeah.... It is hot in Singapore.... Can't stop sweating...." Then she gave me an awkward expression. I just realised what her comment meant.... Oops... So sorry to make her look awkward.... My bad... Thank you for your kindest compliment that I have ever received. :)

Oh well.... So embarrassing moment...  


  1. Loved reading about this place. The food that they served looks quite delectable. At one of the best NYC wedding venues I attended a Mexican wedding in the last month. The caterers from Mexico had been called for this reception and trust me dear, the food they served was extremely unique and tasty.

    1. Thanks Wenni for dropping comment on my humble blog. I appreciate that. :)
      Maybe those food isn’t enough to fill in my stomach. well... I just have to learn to accept :)


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