Thursday, September 22, 2016

Cycling - Cycle to NEX

Hi Blog,

Today my mother told me to bring my bike down to NTUC Nex to fix my bike, because she knows someone who sells bicycle in Nex and might be able to fix my bike brake issue. (every time when I braked, sharp sound created)

okay... everyone was looking at me dragging my fatbike inside the mall...
People looking at me has become my least concern... my only concern was how to bring my bike up to third floor... Do I have to go through the crowd with my fattie? My mother brought me to cango lift and yeah... I have to bring in my fatbike through the NTUC.... Yes....People staring....

Fatbike surely a NEW thing for people.
I left my bike to that kind man who is willingly to fix for me... To kill some time, I went dinner with my mother, and yes... I walked around in my trisuit. I think no one cares for sure, as I am not handsome hunk so barely anyone cares. I also learn to heck care too.

After dinner, we returned to there, he told me that my brake oil leaked out... my brake isn't the common type of brake (mechanic brake) so he can't fix it.....

the oil leaked... My back brake can't function anymore....
he also added in, saying my tires have crack line, meaning it has started wearing off....

Oh man... that means I need to buy new tires.... and have to bring it down to SS...

Thought of the Experience

During the whole experience, I was watchful over my thoughts process to experience hope to be burned to nothingness... Like I hope my bike to be fixed, went through some embarrassment moments awhile, but in return... the outcome isn't what I expect.

To be honest, it happened to me like every single time.

I reflected... I was actually thankful to him for trying to help and had a neutral emotion. I felt apologetic to him, as he was trying to help and worsen the condition, while I was trying to assure him that it is alright. :) I don't blame him at all but appreciate the help he offered.

Most importantly, I thank God for still allow one more functional brake and knowing such a sincere and trustworthy person. :)


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