Sunday, December 25, 2016

Hiking - Short Hiking at Coney Island

Merry Christmas Blog!

You know... even today was a festive day... to me, it was just a normal day... No one to make it a sweet sweet memory with, so... just move on and forget it... but thanks Xuanyi to visit me to play a new PS4 game, at least something :)

So I decided to go to Coney Island before going up to his place.
It will be a short post for the day trip. :)
Wah! Nice undistracted scencery!
Prefect for photography
Reached Coney Island
Not surprised that no one visits Coney Island at this hour
Clear weather today :D
in my new comfortable Trisuit for a picture
Honestly.... Feeling FAT and bloated.... Very discouraging...
Jump the fat away
It seemed like I am alone on this island
Try Mediation on this island
This time I will try different route - Jungle route
Messy Beach...
I noticed there are a lot of sandflies!
Better stay away from the beach (especially this type of messy beaches)
I realised that it was High tide so can't walk any further.
No choice but to take the main route.
Back to main road
Seriously... where is everyone?
That meant... MORE JUMP SHOT!
After jump... I realised that... I need to pee... SERIOUSLY need to pee but can't do in the wood...
I feel there are many "eyes" watching me... so I exited the island half way....
and took the last jump shot for the day to show my bloated tummy!
End my Christmas Day with a beautiful clouds
Oh yeah! I also found a beautiful display of flowers like a wreath for this festive.
Thank you to whoever did this, 
not to miss out the mushrooms.
Recently I forgot to look out for them. So sorry...

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