Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hiking - Thank you K for accompanying

Hi Blog,

Today was the day when K, one of my ex-pupils from PV willingly hiked with me. I have to mention this because initially there were four pupils who wanted to go on a hiking trip with me. But due to their busy schedule... three of them can't turn up... K who is one of the quiet ones whom I knew since primary school, was actually determined to go on the hike and felt bad if he backup due to lack of accompanies... His moves were much appreciated. :)

Nice cool weather today
After a long travelling distance for K from Seng Kang to Marymount, he still made it in time before me. Hahaha... My apology... K that I was late.

Getting ready and spent some time on selfies XD
Okay! Let's go!

MacRitchie Nature Trail

This is K - our humble pupil
I told him that I wanted to spin some poke stops due to the night encounter, and he didn't mind.

Funny thing was that we took down gym together!
I was shocked to learnt that he is from Team Instinct too?! hahaha
Taking pictures with my new camera

Argh that stick by the side!
While hiking, we had a bit of talking... K will take some time to warm up himself, so I did the talking for some time... Thirsty... Hahahah

Tree Top Walk

I also found out that he had not been to Tree Top before, so I brought him to experience Tree Top. :)

Tree top entrance selfie!
With my new camera, I can take wide nice personal pictures well!
I also love despite wide-angle lens, which doesn't distort the overall pic!
We were lucky enough to walk this bridge when there wasn't any crowd.
Really have fun with Ex-FR100!
Looking down from the bridge... Scary....
Without any object around to show the horizon of this scene... But it is so beautiful.
I really love that we won't need to rush to complete the walk on the bridge.
Fat fat me.
I always remember my first experience when I walked on the bridge...
My legs just went jelly when I looked down... now...
I just have to trust the bridge and be thankful to people who do service on it.
Say Cheese!
K just stood there still for a selfie.
Rifle Range Link/Road

Now we headed up to Bukit Timah!

Another quiet trail here :) Lovely
Thanks K for being non-judgmental and willing to take pictures with me. 
Our long long journey ahead on the road. Look at our tired faces.
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve

K found the route up to the summit, is an ideal route to train himself. He claimed he will come back for training himself. :) I am glad that someone can be benefited from this trip :)

Come! Kavan, let's take a picture together!
Check out the tower.
Are we ready to go down?
K had enough of taking pictures... LOL
Caught a Rare Pokemon

While hiking, I had my Pokemon Go app active together with a health tracking app, and also to hatch eggs. I noticed a weird shape on Pokemon Go sighting.... 

OH! MY! 
YIPPEE!!! Hug this Snorlax! :D 
It has a low CP....... I will rename it as SnorKavan. :) Feeling lucky :D
have you noticed my phone battery life?
I should bring my power bank for this kind of walk.... 
I have no choice but to stop the health tracking app...
The actual total distance we covered was roughly 24km within 6 hours...
Found an active Earthworm in the open... So sorry that I can't save every single one....
some insects checking us out. :)
Rail Way

Everything was K's first time experience, even this railway. He was excited. :D

Let's take a picture together!
Helping K to get his picture :)

And le FAT me.
Hmmmmm I realised that it can't focus that well...
Oh dear.... my camera didn't click in properly and it dropped onto rocks... And caused a dent in its lens...

Well.... the picture quality and functionality still working well and the dent didn't cause any blurriness on the picture. Thanks God for not giving me difficult outcome.

Singapore Quarry

Visiting Singapore Quarry is always my favourite experience for seeing the simple and nice quarry structure. 

Good Afternoon Quarry!
Take out my camera here :)
Selfie can never be that easy this time.
My favourite picture from this trip.
Ready to try jump shot?

1st try
2nd try
3rd try and success!
Discussing a new pose 
Power ball shot!
My sweat attacked my left eye....
Goodbye Quarry... :) Selfie with you! See you!
Going Back to Beauty World

Total walk was 6+ hours, our tired faces explained the tiredness and joy we had :)

Hahaha Come on K, let's go and have lunch now.
Waiting for lunch... so hungry...
Wearing trisuit in a coffee shop, I heck care how others looked at me. 
Nice delicious meal :)
Today was a fruitful trip. A good walk and a good chat with a stranger. I allowed an auntie to share the table for a meal. Learning from one another - her regular workout at Bukit Timah without fail, a chance to share with her my vegetarian experience and a bit of my lifestyle. :) 結緣結緣。

Back Home

The cut on by my shoes due to short length sock... painful sore...

bloodstain.... and dried up
before this, it was bleeding...

did you see the suntan lining?
Heck care.... rest... I need some rest....
I also sprained my right leg.... Time to take care my legs...
Fungus Hunting

While hiking, finding mushrooms also part of an interesting hobby that I just started. Just love the colour and erected "fruit" of nature amazing living things.

Not fungus
Beautiful mushrooms and one of my BEST collection for the hike so far. :) Hope you enjoy!


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