Saturday, November 12, 2016

Hiking - Dairy Farm Quarry and Old Bukit Timah Railway Station

Hi Blog,

Today was the day when I decided to explore new places - a new quarry and an old railway station! I happened to bump to a post from a cycling group about the awesome quarry which I always want to visit since young and a railway station that many cyclists know, so I asked the name of the place and it is located somewhere near where I passed by before during the hike. The overall feeling was exciting! :D

Thanks God for good weather :)
Wear my favourite and ready for the hike!
Testing my camera :)
MacRitchie Nature Trail
Meet up with Ked and hiked :)

Look at the wideness shot from EX-FR100
The two water pipes which send water from places to places.
My fat body made Ked to tell me to stop selfie. Hahahaha
Central Pipeline Reserve
We took a small route from Rifle Range Road where big giant pipes can be seen leading to nowhere
Thank you Ked for taking pictures for me
sometimes I have to handle it myself.
Look at how far the route is.

A small pool but under the shoot from EX-FR100, it became wide and big!
Dairy Farm Nature Park

WAH! WAH! Found a Banded Bullfrog (Kaloula Pulchra) SO cute :3
The new route of walking in to Dairy Farm Quarry
I felt that taking at a higher angle will hide my double chin.
Dairy Farm Quarry
FOUND!!!!!!!!!! It is beautiful!
Come! Ked, let take pictures together!
I felt so happy to reach here

Thanks God for success journey of finding this awesome place.
Nice place for picnic :)
Play epic music
Bukit Timah Railway Station
Continue our journey to find the old railway station

Found an interesting graffiti- Sadbys
There is actually a band group aka Sadboys
I thought we might lost our way but nope.
Just continue the route along the track.
Just keep walking. Just keep walking.
OH! A Truss Bridge!
Located at Bukit Timah area is located near King Albert Park and the old Yeo Hiap Seng Factory site.

YIPPEE! Let's take a picture!
Look at the awesome structure which had served for years and been preserved.
Fat face into the picture to spoil it!
Try low angle again. hmmm failed....
maybe I am not good model to pose in this way... except great body people.
Finally we found the Bukit Timah Railway Station!
Happy and feeling achievement unlocked
Look at this place!
Waiting for train to arrive
It has become history and memories....
Jeff Alibaba! Stop Selfie!
Just let me take one.
Okay okay Let's look around!
Let's check what is inside.
Looking out
This place still has electric fan and it seems somehow new.
Looked like we were not alone...
K left this dark room
I just carried on with my selfie! XD
This place is left unattended.
memories - full of memories.
K got ready for the pictures
My turn :) thank you Ked
One of my favourite shot. :) 

Wefie :)
A route which we covered on that day.
I will visit that place and have a closer look at the quarry and railway station again.



  1. Hi Jeffrey, i chanced upon ur blog while looking for info on how to access dairy farm quarry via hiking. The old path that I knew seems now to be exclusively for cyclists. Mind sharing where is the "new route" u mentioned in ur post? Many thanks!

    1. Hmmm You didn't leave your name... I hope my reply that you will be able to see it.

      Once you found Singapore Quarry, you don't exit to the street but continue your path further to the right. You will pass by a Daily Farm Center MOE (forgot it's name), take note of a path which is continued into your right too.

      So.... hmmmm not easy to explain....

      Do you read map? If you do, email to me and ask me :)


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