Friday, September 16, 2016

Personal - Pokey Hunt at MBS

Hi Blog,

It is a short post of what I did on that night, tonight I went to MBS to accompany and play Pokemon Go with my friend. I heard from my friends who caught many pokemons especially legendary ones at MBS and a nest too.

The moon was big and round that night.
For me, I wanted to use my new camera to re-capture the scene which I did beginning of this month.

A picture I took with my phone.
Now let's see what my EX-FR100 can do!
With Alvin.
Look at the wider of the shot.
I wanted to walk further away but there were too many people walking around.
but definitely love this shot! 

City is backing us :)
Hmmmm what were they waiting for?
Lapras showed up! Everyone was rushing toward MBS. I learned something during that moment. I loved the moment of running together with the crowds at one direction but I have to ensure I looked out for others people and watchful over the traffic. There were people risking themselves by dashing across the traffic. I still stayed and don't want to in-directly influenced others. Safety comes first.

Seeing everyone doing the same thing
Comparing their caught pokemons, showing frustration of failed catch, helping friends or even cheer for one another. :)
Love this spiral :)
We realised that the connection of MBS was bad and not as many than Changi Village. The areas to cover, are too overwhelming. So hmmmm maybe because of the nests which are the main highlight for going MBS.

Took the last train back home and testing my camera :D
Do you like it? Solitude Shooting style. 
1230am and the night titled up??? Weird lighting at a distance
What a tiring night... woke up EARLY morning and back home late.......


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