Saturday, November 5, 2016

Hobby - My TriSport Week - Part 2 - Swimming

Good Evening Blog,

I can't believe after my workout (the morning post) in the morning, rushing down for afternoon meeting at Bedok and asked Alan for an evening swim at Bedok Swimming pool.

Beautiful Sun set.... Soft sky
Wearing a gift trunk from arena for the first time.
Love this material so much. Hope I can get one of it
Don't you like it? :) I doubt someone will response. Hahaha
After a light, relax and slow swim, we traveled down to visit a well-known place at Bedok, Decathlon. (link) I heard this from Terence, he claimed that whenever he visited this place, the first person he will think of, will be me. Hahaha... He added on that place sells affordable sport related items. I guess I will have to see it myself.

quite crowded
Look like IKEA for Sports!
They have standard bicycles range, but limited selection.
Don't expect any thing GOOD at affordable price.
Decathlon Ikea!

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