Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Hiking - Four Quarries in Singapore

Good Morning Blog,

Today the day when I took my leave, I decided to go further down to explore the quarry alone which passed by me every time when I took train at North South line around CCK to Jurong. So I took downtown line up and lost my way there....

Due to I don't stay at West side of SG... I have no idea  which way the LRT goes to...
Like a tourist but lucky it is in English
First stop Bukit Gombak!
First time landed my foot here,
I noticed there are many large granite rocks laying around at Bukit Gombak.
Interesting feature!
What a great starter point or Pokestop. LOL!
Can you see the rocks around this area?
Took off my tee, and ready for the hike.
I know Rock.... I know I am SUPER disgusting in this attire...
Judged whatever you like.
How I wish the MRT isn't there to spoil the scene. Hahaha... okay! Green screen please!
Standing infront of Sport Stadium with an unique structure for a stadium
Bukit Gombak Quarry (Little Guilin)
Oh man! I was so excited to visit such place!
OH MY! Beautiful!
Chinese words: 好有靈氣!
Admiring the quarry
No one around...
meaning I can take MORE pictures! Hahaha
ooooooo! This quarry has two parts!
This was a second (lower) part of little Guilin
Check it out!
Aren't they beautiful?
pardon me for my ugly face
let pose with it
Continue to mediate
I shall set mediation for my visit of quarries Instagram post
Classic music played at the background will spice up the scene
Just act cool
Last shot for Little Guilin
Let's continue down to Bukit Batok Park (nearby)
Bukit Batok Quarry
You see, Bukit Batok just nearby Little Guilin
After twenty mins walk, I arrived to Bukit Batok Nature Park
I love this shot with a kid playing along the bank and
while his mother joined in later, than afraid here and there.
Reshoot this Epic tree and rock with my camera to showcase its massiveness.
A reshoot with this Tree and Rock. Hope you don't mind me in it. :)
With my new camera, it can capture a Great shot of a scenery
There were some visitors still during weekday. Oh my.
Posed with it
Thumb up with it
Mediate with it
It started to get sunny (afternoon)
I guess my red Skins trisuit enjoy sun bathing for the first time
Sat back and enjoyed then
Funny thing just happened...
A visitor approached me and thought that I was planning to dive in.
Trying to take a new route to exit Bukit Batok Nature Park
This is one famous tower which I don't know what it is. Hahaha
Rusty mirror
Let's take picture with it too
okay..... Dead end....
have to return the route and took the longer distance
Finally exit Bukit Batok Nature Park
Next stop!
Railway Track
Railway track
It was ALL MINE!
Hahaha I was imagining that I was part of the structure.
This angle made me look like a giant
Okay! Let's GO!
Bike Tunnel
In fact from this map, there are three quarries.
but Hindhede Quarry closed off from public. I will visit that place next time.
Depend to weekday, not many cyclists around going through this tunnel
Time for a picture :)
Looked creepy...
Looked at the size of this tunnel
Like a black hole.
Hope you guys, any readers at all will visit this unique place.
because you will miss it as it is not obvious
Singapore Quarry
Before going up to SIngapore Quarry, there was a note
oooooooooooo Temporary close down.
Love this place
my first love with the quarry because of Singapore Quarry
Mediate with it
Quiet and hot
Try a jump shot!
Or.... just lay down for awhile; kind of tired.
sometimes... kind of lonely....
okay! Quarry I shall head off to next quarry.
Daily Farm Quarry
One of the BEST quarries I have ever visited.
I could have reached out for it
or looking down at it
Jump shot with it
In this angle, might make me a giant? hahaa
If the quarry is infront my legs, then maybe.
Last look at the beauty!
Going back home
Trying Belukar Track
Trying to take picture while no one around under this hot weather
Okay... my phone was low battery... Let's hurry home
Check out the distance needed to cover?
Looking back
MacRitchie Nature Walk
Finally... arrived MacRitchie after four hours walk....
Honestly kind of tired... very tired...
The Sun was PRESSING down
Lucky I was in the wood
which reduced the amount of light
but not all wood can help to cover
Just embrace it
My legs actually shaking and aching...
but it was rewarding, even though my FAT tummy still there...
but at least I tried!
Thanks Heaven for good weather
I will try again :)


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