Monday, December 12, 2016

Trip - Christmas Wonderland at Garden By the Bay

Hi Blog,

When Singapore - Warm and one season throughout the year, can't have any festive effect like other countries... what can it do to have the Christmas feeling in local? Garden By the Bay came out a "Christmas Wonderland" themed fair.

Ticket to enter the fair
What is so special about this Christmas Wonderland? Just like Halloween Night in SG, this year 2016 was their third time of hosting such fair. From their website (link here), they have installed very grand light displays and game fairs.

Had dinner at Greendots and ready to go!
Thank you Alan for coming
I have not come to Singapore Busiest street at night before but it surely polluted by light.
based on my previous post (link), I have not visited Garden by The Bay especially night time
and it looked awesome!
Lighted "tree" and a stupid me!
The camera doesn't work well at night....  
overly exposure is a problem for noob photographer like me... 
Oh well Just stick to wefie!
Nice lighted christmas display!
I read it online, it is a Yuletide/Yule theme display. (read more)
Wefie again when I forgot to jio others
packed with visitors
Entrance while they scanned your tickets and
Alan thought that my camera can't capture whatever he was doing.
the overall map at Christmas Wonderland
Thank you Alan for accompanying me for years.
hope you can grow higher and greater than me spiritually.
Love the light show with Christmas music playing at the background
Changing colour :3
and purple... Many visitors viewed the light display through their phone screen....
There were many stalls selling Christmas and winter related stuff, too bad I was not there to spend
IT WAS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FIRST TIME in my life and SG!
and phones rising for embracing the moments....
The snow was created from a few machine at the side.
And it was bubble foam....
The snowing moment :)

Let's SING it together!

Wefie again! :D
Alan's face looked so BIG!
and he knew it. LOL!
I wanted to embrace in the snow.
The design on the lighting really help to spice up the Christmas mood
A patch of green for visitors to sit down and enjoyed the lights, I must say mostly couples....
Ah! This is WeiYuan, I can't believe we know one another for more than... 15 years? :D
Thanks for supporting me as always. You inspired me a lot.
I wondered how many lights are there....
to decorate/light up this palace
Check out the detail!
I think with the technology of LED, it can really save the cost and energy level in some ways.
This is Xuanyi, thanks for be my listening ears and be patience with me.
Friendzone sign is my CURSE. XD
Ugly me infront of the palace before kicked out
Better to take with a group to dilute the attention
Over Christmas Wonderland, there was Tokens Booth
I dare not go there before I got a shocked of my life from the price to exchange for tokens.
Hope this one was free, but not....
So I decided to....
PHOTObombed this two sisters - Jiayan and Jiajing
Smart ways to earn money...
It may seem the chances are higher with the number of rings given,
but the possibility is low due to the bounciness from the glass bottles.... 
Cute kid again :)
They surely enjoyed the most from the fair, without any worries of anything.
Just trying to be artistic in photography
Throw all rings at one go, result zero rings landed
Three balls for a game
it wasn't easy too
same thing.... money sucker booths....
Pity the parents and BF.... their wallets suffered....
I didn't find out how much is this.... I bet it wasn't cheap...
Bumper cars will be fun!
Please please.... Don't tell me they charged people for taking this ride???
Oh my....
It seemed like going on such fair.... to have fun, you need to be loaded to feel HAPPY.... No wonder there is such quote.
"For me, Holiday is about value of money rather than things to see." - Karl Pilkington
Hmmmm oh well.... I guess I will be forever single for life for being clear minded....


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