Sunday, October 16, 2016

Trip - Universal Studio Singapore Halloween Horror Nights 2016

Hi Blog,

Thanks WQ for giving us a pair of free admission tickets to this year Halloween Horror Nights 6,  because this year, I thought of skipping it, as I budget myself... But the free admission will lighten my wallet... I just simply top up for express pass. Anyway here I will share a bit of my experience of visiting HHN6.

Thanks Weiquan for giving his winning tickets
A bit of advise for future goers, It is better to purchase the tickets earlier especially during its promotion period. Because if you purchase tickets lately (especially its express pass), the price will be around 45% more. So I decide to purchase and plan for HHN7 earlier next year.


Okay! Let's go into sharing my experience of attending HHN6! Firstly start with it's trailer. 

From the trailer was trying to have a storyline in their trailer, the flow wasn't smooth though because they have to squeeze it into a-minute-video-advertisement... If they can make a minute long focus for each house for advertisement will be interesting.

Going to USS

Meet up Fox and Alv at Vivo, we will walk in than taking train, because it will be costly and crowded.

Filled up our hunger before going
Because we came late, we missed out the opening session.
Surprisingly not crowded.
Entrance view of Halloween Horror Nights 6!
Let's GO!

As I said, it was not crowded like 2015, due to late arrival.

Grand entrance
This year big giant face
It was the "Lady of the Dead"
Selfie :3
OH! There was a March parade! 

March of the Dead: Death March Parade

This HHN6 theme was based on Día De Los Muertos (read more) Day of the Dead, an ancient traditions from Columbian cultures, mostly Mexicans practice and honor deceased people.

Anyway, they played great Mexican music style and have great colour on their costumes. They also wore calaveras makeup celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). Interesting.

We just came on the right timing. :)

Look how serious and professional they are.
I noticed something interesting....
They have a LED at the side of their head which lit up their faces.
Hi PRETTY LADY! You looked at me. :3

Jack's Recurring Nightmare Circus (first visit)

After an epic parade, we checked the timing for show for Jack's Recurring Nightmare Circus show just ripe. We managed to queue in and sat at the corner of the stage. I must say this was my first circus show.

Below are photos of the show - dancing and musical performance, I won't add any comment. Just click and enjoy. :)

Show starts!
Here comes Jack, the clown.
Do you want to play a game? Little girl.
Overly shoulder padding.
Muscular and Pretty Dance
This one is pretty :3
They picked an audience and took his phone. Oh my....
They got a handsome dude from the seats.
Classic bomb
There is another performance
One nervous performance
Prepare to chop his head, classic magic show
Sound like finale dance
Oh gosh.... we should take the center seat

Overall... sitting at the corner of the stage was not a god idea. Next time, try to take the center seats for better view. I was intrigued and entertained by the performance especially the knife-throwing moment. I decided to get a better view by taking center seats.

Jack's Recurring Nightmare Circus (second visit)

This was my second time to see this show at the center seats and it was great. Time to take more pictures since we can't take much inside the houses

Start the show again!
Ggg... She looked pretty.
AH! He was an actor!
He looked to calm and we should have known.
Maybe because we sat at the corner.

She looked silly without the music and still-pictures.
Jack and his pretty and muscular
Funny expression
Oh! NEW Show!
Oh my! It was NERVOUS RACK!
Oh man! He made it so HIGH!?
Holding my breath
Clap clap clap
Good bye head
They danced well, and appreciated them have to dance for five times a night.
Finale :D
Thank you everyone for the show

Now I know... each show time will have different unique performance by special performers. This time really kept me  in cold sweat and breathless. You may check the video ^ for whole show.

Hawker Centre Massacre

Hawker Centre Massacre! 
This year HHN6 had 5 houses and 2 of them have featured local theme like this Hawker Centre.
Due to no photography inside there, but I did find a website which has covered all houses with a lot of spoiler pictures :D Click here and thanks for the pictures. :) Well taken.

This Hawker Centre Massacre house featured our familiar coffee house, to wet market, to mini shop houses, to toilet. I have mentioned this, well done guys, you managed to scare me for this. Popped out from the bottom! Clap clap! Keep it up! 

Salem Witch House

Salem Witch House
What is Salem? Oooooo when I googled it (read more), it was a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accusing of witchcraft in the past. It seemed like HHN they tried cultures/histories/happenings into their theme. Well done. :)

From Dejiki's post, where you can view the spoiler pictures of inside, I love the detail of the house, and as you were walking through the house, it was like telling a story with scenes - People practicing witchcraft, people got possessed, exploring the house by going up to second floor (some new approach!), some demonic possessed, killings, The witch realm (I love this scene - PURE WHITE! It was a totally different feel from the dark narrow passage, creative!), people feared of witch and burned them, but curse still went on to innocent people... Nice work and story!

Beautiful and elaborated exterior effort! 
Wanted to selfie with the Strong bright blue coated light, but blocked by my hand.
put it higher to solve the problem
My only picture taken inside the house!
Hu Li's Inn

Hu Li's Inn
We had to queue for awhile for this house. and this house theme was unique; we won't come across many Chinese haunting storylines were used as a haunted house theme that often. "Hu Li" meaning Fox (name of the animal) or can also referring to Mistress (pretty women who use their beauty to charm men and bring them into a downfall of their life).

From Dekiji's post, you can see its setup at classic Shanghai blooming night street. Very elaborate and realistic setting to bring out the period. From the pictures, there was a story too. From a classic stage performance (I love this a lot where they still keep the classic feeling, and love the change from normal mode to evil mode. Deep Impression), the people like pimps, customers transformed into monsters, mirror passage (my favourite too), then showcased other demons like Snake demon, white bones demon and spider demon (in Chinese folk tales, they were also responsible of men's downfall), and beside downfalls, they also love human's meat. Nice flow.

Look at the decoration :D Realistic feel!
hanging of clothing.
With my surname! :D Huang Shifu!

Old Changi Hospital

The sky looked clear.... with a unblocked moon, it also came with a fade halo. Beautiful sight.

Moon.... Blood moon from last year HHN theme

Old Changi Hospital
Old Changi Hospital had been abandoned from operation for many years since WWII. Despite of  no longer in operation, the building still stays there un-demolish and abandoned. Many Ghost hunters will visit this hospital, rumored of some unsettled spirits and creepy dark exterior, stays in Singapore tales.

It was nice that they used Changi Hospital as one of the houses, from Dejiki's link, they came along with story too, from warning of entry, insane patients, dark narrow empty corridor, many painful memories, crazy doctors & nurses, second floor stair (interesting), Japanese soldiers tolerated people, and dead bodies everywhere....

In this tour, one thing caught my attention, there was this big muscular guy who was walking infront of us, he simply surprised us by screaming and scared by the scenes/ghosts like a girl. LOL! We were really entertained by him.

Bodies of Work

Bodies of Work
This was our Last house to complete our HHN visit, but somehow some technical issue. We saw many people walked out from the queue... even though some people still stubbornly stick within the queue. We went to take some random pictures and headed back to join the queue.

Wet clothing due to rain
This last house has no specific tale come along but focused on a random storyline. In Dejiki's link, there was something wrong at amusement park, some psychopaths did some crazy things on human bodies, displaying its rewards like am artwork or by wearing it etc etc. One special memorable tour was when we reached to the Merry-Go-Round zone, we had to walk around it; very unique experience...

Finally we cleared all houses! Time to visit other places!

Suicide Forest

I constantly reminded my friends - we MUST take pictures with the ghosts. Why? Because that was the only moment where we can take picture with them!

In Suicide Forest, it was about a series of accidents - car accident, train accident etc etc.... where the unsettled ghosts roamed around....

Suicide Forest
It spooked us as she was hiding in the dark
Smoke was everywhere and distracting.
The smoke DISTRACTED me again....
the dark circular shadow cast on the picture due to bigger lens with strong flash
Fat fat me with Fat fat ghost
Fat vs the Cute
Fat ghost vs Slim Fox
Say cheer! (Oh my! I didn't know there was someone behind me)
Don't waste her effort.
Kiss her, Alv.
Special costume! NEAT!
Look behind you, Yao ming!


Come to us! COME closer!
The smokiness made it spooky.
Take note it was dark without flash/light around.
This one was unique and a lot of effort, he kept calling "Hello" in the space.
Hey girl, can I have your number? :3
Dear sweetie! :D

This one worked well which helped to hide her well in the dark.

Got scared by the sound she made?
It is a blurry picture...
Someone seemed like don't have a head start.
Where was his head?

Let's Point our Gun!
Under the tree....
Under the babies tree...

For some moment, I thought it will turn its head around
it was a puppet.

Bloody ghost :D
Strangle him now! quick!
this one was pretty :3
I want you!
From Dejiki's link, there were a few ghosts we missed out. Thanks Dejiki for capturing. You may check their site out. Awesome shoot too!

March of the Dead

March of the Dead
This was the 2nd Scare zone - March of the Dead where you can take pictures with the performers. The strong purple light really destroyed most of the pictures taken from the phone camera.

I love this scare zone because the performers were very unique outfit and lighted up with a LED onto their faces. Great to take pictures with them. Dejiki's link has taken Great pictures! Please check it out! 

Seflie! :D
Thumb up for this well done artwork
We missed out a performance
Oh well... Selfie with it
I don't know what to pose next
is anyone helping me taking the picture?
Acting tough infront of her
Her face lift up better than me.

Can you be my GF? Pretty
Interesting Mask :)
Look spooky too

Thank you Performers for posing with us.
Give me the power!
Yandao performer
Hey Emo!
One Emo mask, I like.
Smile leh. :D
Love her dress. :)
Let's pose together, Lady. 
Sad.... blurry picture :(

Random Stuff

Some stuff I have to share with you, I bumped to some of my ex-students like Ardy and Xin Yi (below), It was great that they still approached and greeted me. :,) Thank you....

Xinyi and le Fat me
While we were waiting for the last house - Bodies of Work to fix its technical issue, we (I should say is me) went around to take pictures (playing with light ball) and listened to the music. Thanks Yao Ming managed to find the music played in HHN6, it was sang by "Nothing But Thieves", they have many "sinking, emotional and rock" musics.

Love to pretend to be a Wizard
I am a Virgin Wizard!
Try again
Me and my double chin

Try different angles, thanks Alvin for helping.

My every single visit to USS, I will take a picture with him. :)
I took one this year :) in my USS trip (link)
Overall Experience

Overall experience about the visit of HHN6, I was purely filled with appreciation of the effort by the performers in the houses, scary zones and show, and mostly importantly, the bonding session with my friends. Next year, I will organise such visit again earlier with bigger group. :)

Look at our faces :) the overall feeling was Awesome!
Thanks Alvin for purchasing three pictures.
To illustrate why I appreciated HHN more because, they don't wear cheap costume which you can find in the store (like above), each costume they had, required longer time of preparation, so it comes with a price. 
Thank you USS for organing such wonderful event, hope no performer got hurt.

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