Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Personal - Celebrating WeiQuan's Birthday

Hi Blog,

After our three boys birthday surprised party, we were moving on to plan a birthday celebration for WQ.

The plan was simple, I just asked him out for dinner and include Yaoming, then sat at a smaller table, while Jiajing helping me to gather other friends to reserve a bigger table in Zi Zai Zhai Restaurant. When WQ arrived and saw me sitting at a smaller table, he will think there is the number of people who will come.

But..... he was late to Zi Zai.... Eventually... everyone had arrived except our birthday boy.... So our backup plan was to be seated and waited for his arrival. yes, that surprised him still. :D

Funny moment was when we brought out the cake and presented infront of him, he was shocked! Success!

Singing birthday song
beautiful rainbow!
make a wish!
Cut the cake!
Test out my camera :)
Thank you everyone for showing up today to celebrate WQ's Birthday
Ah......... my tummy.... we ate quite alot....


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