Saturday, September 10, 2016

Personal - Helping PV Alumni

Hi Blog,

Today I was back to PV to help out their Mid-Autumn Festive (one of the main PV event, once every two years). This was my first time coming back as a PV alumni member to help out their House of Adventure in the school library. Usually I can't attend any alumni meetings due to work except weekend if there is any, but I will contribute helping like designing the poster and provide help on the day.

A big banner for this year theme.
Last year was Haunted House, and due to some issue, the title needed to be changed but the theme didn't.
For me, beside helping in Photography as usual. I was back to become a T-Rex!

My costume was ready to roar!
When I was back, I saw many familiar faces
They had grown up.
Some ignored but some still jumpy infront of me. :)
Ah Happy to see ex-P6F & E pupils, my favourite batch
Memories reload seeing three of them!
Boyz group - Great to see three of you (Kavan absented)
Ah! Aunties! Great to see two of you again. Respect!
My royal followers  :)
Eddie was cheerful today!
All the Best in your PSLE, kids!
Mdm Goh wasn't present on that day but the new principal came to show concern.

This was how it looked like me in the T-Rex. I should have taken pictures with my new camera. (next time)
How I looked out from the window of the T-rex.
Thanks Eugene for taking picture of me.
I am J-Rex!
I was assigned to be the first to scare the visitors - I stationed in between the curtains and hiding in the dark. Then just before they entered through the curtain, I will charge in my T-rex head to scare them.

I was sure that I had given many visitors a surprise, especially those P1 or 2 pupils... I heard them entering, they started to speak loud with confidence, then after my head popped into the curtains to destroy their glass-confidence, they started to cry and demanded to leave the library! Hahahah!

Majority got positive reactions but there were some which weren't ended nice.... Some ex-pupils found out who was inside the T-Rex costume, they started to curse me, "Fxxx you! Mr Jeff! Childish Old man! Go FXXX yourself!" Honestly, I felt so upset hearing that... but I moved on.... I cannot satisfy everyone. Just live on.

Overall, everything went on smoothly like the arrangement of the queue, no injuries or conflict.
Thank you PV community and ex-pupils.
Happy Birthday Eddie. Thank you for being a Great support in Alumni!
My bad that I can't stay around with the almuni after-event bonding session due to my residential location isn't near... Hope you guys enjoy yourself. :) Will see you guys again!


  1. Thank You Mr Jeff for do take time off your busy schedule to help us out sad to hear that there is some unpleasant things that happened to you. Well I am glad you did enjoyed your time . Hope to work with you for future events XDXD

    1. Hahaha I am surprised that you are using google+ !
      Thank you Eddie :)

  2. Oh Man... I didn't know someone is reading my posts :,)
    Thanks for your kind words


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