Saturday, December 10, 2016

Cycling - Dec Pulau Ubin Visit

Hi Blog,

Today Jonathan had organised a Pulau Ubin cycling trip, it was good to go on a trip together with him and his sister too. Beside the sibling, Yue Min, Eugene, Kang Jie and Gasbe will be going too, it wis great to bond with them. Here was a short post of the overall experience.

After meeting them at Changi Village for a simple breakfast, and let's go!

Paying the boatman $3 for boat ride
He earns good flow of profit, isn't he?
Yue min looked happy that day.
Eugene's favourite spot
Smooth safe boat ride
Let me introduce you who are onboard.
From my left onward - Jonathan, KangJie, Fiona and Gasbe
leaving Singapore behind and heading to a place where time stops
Fat model for the day
Jonathan and Fiona
Hahaha Feeling proud that I taught both of them
Nice weather :3 Thanks God for good weather
Took off my shirt
feeling awkward in trisuit....
Oh well WHO CARES!
Welcome to Pulau Ubin!
Act like a Gang
Familiar street of bad experience (previous post
Time to try another store!
Getting a bike (rent $12) from a bike rental stall (slightly deep in; last stall along the street)
Are we ready?
Pekan Quarry
We were here again
This time I brought my new camera for this trip, seemed great!
This time we cycled to East side of the island first.
Something new! Ubin Fruit Orchard?
Orchard road?
ooooooooo they cleared a space and planted some new plants.
They planted trees like - Durians, Rambutan, Mango etc etc
I will come back to fill up the knowledge about this awesome garden
It seemed like they don't get excited over it.
I will be back for sure.
I shall reserve a link here once I got update.
Big tree always have a respectable place in my soul.
Thanks to my new camera, it did a great job :)
Wow! Termites :3 So cute!
But creep  many of them
We parked our bikes and visited Chek Jawa Wetlands
Climbed up Jelawi Tower
Selfie seemed easier
Tall tower indeed
Got spy-snapped by Fiona
Oops! Hahahah got STOMP!
How nice if the secret can be kept. LOL
Nice weather
With my new camera, this scary shot was achievable and dangerous too.
Let's have a group shot
Emo shot
Looking away pose is the best and natural
Rocky beach

Rocky nerd with a rocky bxtch
Two different experience on one pavement
Until now the weather seemed good and cloudy
Very nice to have such pavement
Acting Cute pupils Hahaha
This is Eugene.
One of my cheerful pupils I have taught, and thanks Eugene for staying in touch with me.
I always remembered when he was young, he will run and jump-hugged me whenever he saw me.
Say Hi!
Moving forward
Three poses at Chek Jawa Vistor Centre
I shall do my own selfie
and get my own camera
Hahaha This is Yue Min, one of my proud pupils - Proud of him for being responsible kid
Beautiful cottage house
Another Wefie XD posed infront of the beautiful cottage
Empty dock
Today seemed cool with less visitors where we can get crazy
Pose cooly
or tiredly
OMG! my back!
Let's walk near the dock.
Human pyramid with Fiona
Human pyramid with Gasbe
We cycled back and took a break at one of the stalls
I will recommend this stall
They have a spacious resting area under a shade 
and make sure you get this ice cream if you like Durian
because it actually have durian flesh :)
Abandon shop house
We cycled to Puaka Hill to visit Ubin Quarry
The summit of Puaka Hill
Amazing view :)
Nice view with my new camera
Pose for the shoot
Dangerous and took a picture once and for all
Looking down... SCARY!
one of my favourite shoots for the day
Second shot
Fear was in my fat tummy...
Quick Jonathan, Take as many as possible
So scary
nice view though
Thumb up for the day!
Thank you boys for accompanying
Our last group for the day
to conclude we have fun :)
Smile on our way back
Thumb up for it too
Thanks God for a safe trip
Thank you!
Time to spam our instagram together! XD


  1. 一個遠離都市喧囂的所在,讓人可以放鬆身心,很讚!


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