Monday, August 29, 2016

Personal - Taking Photos with Dxmai Pri Pupils

Hi Blog,

Today I was asked to help to take photos for celebrating with Teachers' Day, which I will have to print out for any teachers in the pictures. Oh boy.......

Getting ready of the setup

Selfie-ing! Hahaha...
To think back that I decided to keep a distance with the pupils so that I won't find any attachment with, I just simply do my job here, but there were a few pupils who invited me to take pictures with them; I felt so happy and appreciated. Thanks God for taking care of me by sending those little angels to encourage me. :.) Here are the memories....

Even thought, not as many as other popular teachers but I learned to be contented and appreciated them. :)

Thank you Gladwin and XuanZhen for willingly to take pictures with me. :)


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