Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trip - Garden By The Bay

Hi Blog,

Oh my! Today our school was going out to visit Garden By The Bay for a staff retreat and this was my first time going into the domes for free. Cheapskate Jeff!

Anyway it was exciting to enter the domes, I also saw many people took amazing pictures inside the domes especially there is a carnivorous plants zone.

Selfie with the sign :)
Let's take some pictures now!
Outside Garden by the Bay
The famous structure at Garden by the Bay (day time); Golden Garden
Look how tall it is.
Wow... Beautiful entrance structure
A Great ticket to hold to visit the domes.
while waiting for everyone to get the tickets, check out this ants sculpture. 
Initially I thought it is Zhang Fei or Confucius but it isn't.
If anyone is ever reading this, let me know. 
Interesting carving bench.
I always find wood sculpture is amazing.
Cloud Forest Dome
Let's start with Cloud Forest Dome
Entrance to Cloud Forest Dome
Epic man-made water fall greeting us entering the dome
Overview of man-made waterfall
Selfie again
Let's go and take some pictures
In the past, people will walk around with their cameras and nowadays people just took it with their phones.
Taking with giant flower sculpture.
Below were some of the flowers caught my attention, and no time for me to look out for its names except carnivorous plants.

AH! MY FAVOURITE DISPLAY in Garden by the Bay!
A Lego model for VFT
LEGO Rafflesia
Giant Lego of Pitcher plant - American (L) and Asian (R)
Nep. Veitchii!
Look like Nep. Ventricosa 
AWESOME PERISTOME! It looks like a Nep. Villosa but still looks mixed... It might be a hybrid.
I doubt it is Villosa or Edwardsiana as it will be TOO Expensive to grow or bring them in.
AH! Nice Pinguicula/Butterwort 
Standard Dionaea/Venus Flytrap - Healthy looking
Some hybrid sarracenia. How I wish I can see Sarracenia Flava but nope...
Top view of epic carnivorous plants display area
We went up to 6th floor to tour around to under the plants which grow at the higher attitude
Look up too.
Interesting videos but too bad I don't have time to learn about it.
There are some amazing wooden sculptures in Cloud Forest Dome. (shown below)

I love this one a lot. I wonder how they do it... unless it is not a real wood carving.
One of my favourite shot. :)  

Flower Dome
Let's go!
oh my! They have a christmas theme display :)
try again and smile
Amazing thing in Flower Dome, the flowers scent can be sensed at the entrance. In this Flower Dome, they display plants which grow on the ground level and at harsh environment to showcase how nature adapt itself.

Leaves spread out like flowers
Nice white flowers :3 WHITE!
Bloom with colourful flowers!
Bright firey flower
Beautiful, aren't they?
each flower present themselves uniquely.
OH MY! OH MY! This is SUPER BIG! It is a Giant Succulent!
Look at how big they get into! 
Even though succulent may look boring, but when it flowers,
it really show how happy they are despite of the harsh condition.
Look how beautiful the flowers are. White somemore... :3 Fetish kicks in! Hahaha
Lotus-like succulent :)
So... it is a cacti or succulent?
Not to be confused with cactus; nearly all cacti are succulents but not all succulents are cacti. 
Succulent has meaty leaves.
and hard texture.
Tree-like succulent which stores water in its stem.
This one is a special one. Love this one!
One succulent plant with a penis.
Each plant have their own signature flower 
White flowers! ;3
This one took me awhile to capture because it was windy.
Look how unique a flower can be.
Big flowers and small flowers
Firework flowers!
Love this flowers. Too bad we can't grow it locally...
look how beautiful and simple they are.
This is how we used to draw a flower.
Little red riding hood flower :)
In the Flower Dome, there are many interesting sculptures! (shown below)

Impressive sculptures
This one is serious wood carving - Rabbit
Love this Eagle sculpture
More Christmas display! How I wish there are some larger display on the festive, but limited in space, this was good enough.

End of the tour, we exited ourselves at Garden by the Bay store.

Black light room is my favourite place to hang out.
Sitting on a Thorns of Throne
Tired feet...
Cute Zebra Dove :3
Doves typically have smaller bodies and bigger tails than pigeons.
Pigeons and doves belong to the same family, Columbidae, because they have many similar features.
Awww.... at the dove.
Ethan, my Big boss. hahahaha
Goodbye Jasmine, we won't forget your carefree smile.
Feel your future BF will be a fortunate one to have you in his arms.
Sooner, I will go on Night day visit to Garden by the Bay.


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