Thursday, September 1, 2016

Personal - Celebration of Teachers' Day

Hi Blog,

Day Time
Today is my second time celebrating Teachers' Day in DXPS.

Selfie with them
Say Hi!
I still missed those days when I was at PVPS, even though this time round I released nothing much from pupils except Izo, he gave me a Rubik's cube and a bit of chocolate. Mostly I got is an Art piece from Art club as a token.

Thank you Izo :) 
I don't expect much from the pupils but just keep up my work to teach.

Thank you for writing a card to me :)
Oh yes, today also our two interns' last day. GW and XZ (below) two fun guys to hang out with. I always remember the first day when we met them, which was during DXPS Rugby competition. We looked at both standing up tall and well build, oh well I just feel so small.... oh well, my inferior complexity kicked in... until One of the teachers asked what are their name, the in-charge replied "Swensen." Everyone was surprised and affirmed, "Swensen? the food place Swensen?" The teacher in-charge explained, "Sound like it, but it is his chinese name, Swensen." Due to that teacher is a Malay so can't get the Chinese pronouncement right, until XZ approached us, then we asked him personally. XZ explained that his Chinese name is Xuan Zheng, yap! Sound like Swensen! Then Mr See asked what will be another guy's name and the teacher in-charge said, "Gladwin." But can't sink into our mind, so Mr See gave him a nickname, "Long John!" Hahahha! So from that onwards, we will tease their name by calling them, "Long John and Swensen." XD

GW and XZ
Thank you for both of them kept me accompany during their intern period. Hope we will keep in contact.

Both wrote an appreciation note to me, awwww..
 From Gladwin.
I will learn to swim Fatterfly style! Hope you can teach this fat pupil.
From XuanZheng
Thank you Korean Pop Star. :) From you, I can see the effect of looking handsome and impact in school. Envy you and feeling safe to know you are a righteous person. :)
Shortie with twin tower. All the best!
This is my first time to be invited to join the photo booth with my department. :,) Thank you...
Night Time
Beside invited to join their Teachers' Day Celebration and won a $20 voucher, I was invited to join the Pokemon Go group Hang out session on the same day! They were planning to cycle from ECP to MBS to hunt! Seriously... my first time got invited to join such hang out session with teachers.

Let's gear up and GO!
It took me nearly 1 hour and 30 mins to cycle from my place to Bedok to ECP, and I lost my way.......
but still managed to reach before they left the meeting place.

Wefie :D

Yeah! I confirmed! The tron suit padding had wore off... Sad... I need to go and get a new one......
It was fun to catch Pokemons by cycling. Hahaha... But quite dangerous through, as I don't have any lighting on my bike.

wefie again at Marina Barrage
When we reached Marina Barrage, the fun started to kick in! We cycled around and hunted together based on the radar. HEY! Over there got Onix! HEY there got Pikachu! etc etc...

Singapore night :3 beautiful
After 15 minutes at Barrage, we cycled to MBS. Oh man, that was my first time feeling the thrill of chasing Rare Pokemon. One of the teachers saw Aerodactyl showed up on his radar, and every players at MBS already started running toward a direction. I joined in the chase and wondered where it was, as I didn't check my radar but to observe everyone. I realised we are moving toward the flyer, it was like participated in a marathon run with all ages. (check the video below)

I finally caught my first rare pokemon! :D Exciting! So I made my way back and those who had done catching, we exchanged our satisfaction smile. Amazing Experience!

At this moment, Dratini showed up. The crowd started to come back...
We spent like 45 mins back and fore, catching Bulbsaur, Dratini and other common pokemons; basically Pokemon Go has this invisible wave carried people around....

Kind of tired.... as it was getting late...
Woke up like 545am and now... midnight!!!
take a Selfie :)
Oh man! One of the teachers told us that there is a Charmander nest at City plaza... everyone cycled toward that direction and caught dratini along the way...

But seriously, I was tired and standing in between the building to think about this game...
Well my objective was clear, is to bond with the teachers with Pokemon Go as our communication bridge. Thank you Pokemon Go for this chance, hope we can grow in building real friendship. And.... I like one of the teachers in the group, she is attractive... but.... I am a different tier from her, she is young and energetic; confirm have many takers... I guess I can only keep her in my mind - admiring her.

Looking at the city light and tell me to move on my life, stop dreaming...
Take our last wefie and cycled back alone.
What a trip. Hope to do it again. :)


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