Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Personal - Happy Birthday Alan

Hi Blog,

Here I want to share one of my friends with you. He is my Ex-pupil, friend, little brother and future cultivator hopefully, he is Alan. Today was his birthday and I throw in a simple birthday celebration.

Thank you Mr & Mrs Li for preparing such great home cooked dinner for him.
Then told him that we will go up to Engkiat house to stay over for next day class, but meanwhile I told Alan that Engkiat will be back home late. (meanwhile Engkiat and Xuanyi were hiding)

Alan had not gone up to Engkiat's for two years plus, we set up like as if no one home, then SURPRISED him with a small rainbow cake!

Come on, make a Wish!
Blur face! hahaha
Thank you Engkiat and Xuanyi for everything. :)

Thought of the Experience
Thank you Alan for sticking around with me since P1 until now.... Nearly 10 plus years, long journey but yet long at all, and we went through alot. 

Primary 1
You have an innocent smile and still stay with you until now.
I always remember one thing which you left a deep impression in my life, because you need to travel back by train, you will drop coins to a beggar at the train station. One day, you didn't have enough to give the beggar, you seemed upset and I passed you a few coins, you turned from upset to joy. :) I knew that you have an innocent soul and it stays with you until now. 

playing with flag
LOL! EPIC natural shot!
WHile you were eating your favourite laska. 
The growth that you have gone through is rewarding to me and to you, beside growing any taller, hopefully you will be leading a spiritual path on your own to light up other people lives.

Jia you! Alan.

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