Friday, September 2, 2016

Movie Review - Shin Godzilla

Hi Blog,

Godzilla was a movie which stapled in my mind since young, whenever I looked at tall building, beside thinking of T-Rex (playing Jurassic Park Music Theme OST), it will be Godzilla (playing Godzilla theme OST)

I love the posters of Godzilla - Godzilla VS random unique Monsters (made a post about it), It look colourful and exciting! Anyway... After disappointment from Godzilla 1998, that stupid giant T-Rex Lizard and followed by US Godzilla 2014 (movie review) which was okay. Japan brought back Godzilla to show the world what a REAL GODZILLA is! Shin-Godzilla!

OMG! I was SO wanted to watch this movie! The Shin-Godzilla looks SO EVIL!

Check out the overall design of it!
My Personal Review 

Shin-Godzilla movie is a new refresher movie (after more 10 years since the last Godzilla movie series) to showcase to the movie industry of what does a REAL Godzilla should be. The movie focus was a bit different from the previous series which created two different audience groups. (SPOILER ALERT!)

Dislike Group
- Too much talking, not much monster fighting scene!
- Different from original Godzilla!
- Boring as hell! I almost fell asleep. (and yeah... one of my friends slept halfway in the movie)
- Ugliest Godzilla ever!
- Not worth of the money!
- I can't any attachment with any actor, maybe too many people involved.
- Unexplained ending.
- Lastly, the Shin-Godzilla SMALL UGLY EYES! Especially the second form, it's eyes looked so FAKE!

Like Group (which is when I belong to)
- Focus on how a Government handled an uncontrollable situation which they were trying to hide from the public and how the pressure they got from the world leaders.
-  Also Showcase the struggle and decision-making from the governor and people working behind the scene to help to find a solution.
- Showing more of the human element/aspect when facing a threat! Like the strategy, fear, lost, limitation, hardwork and hardship etc.
-  Explain how Godzilla evolved and whoever responsible behind it.
- Coolest Godzilla ever! The powerful beam it shoot out! It is one of the MOST EPIC LASER BEAM I have ever seen! 
- It also have one of the BEST cinematic ever, especially when a train passed by Godzilla, the low shot angle, simply EPIC! 
- First movie of Shin-Godzilla so meaning won't involve other monsters and stay focus.
- They were trying to focus on a main actor but the difficulty is quite challenging. 


Here is the video of the EPIC Godzilla Laser Breath/Beam!

Other Respectable reviews from YouTube


I was fortunate to watch Shin-Godzilla for two times. Thanks Louis for inviting me to Movie Premiere - It is my first time and Epic nice cinema!

Selfie with a buffed Godzilla!
I want to be buffed!
Wefie with Louis :)
Honestly this Godzilla costume a bit restrictive.
Hahaha Pose like crazy to participate the shin-godzilla contest 

Epic and Grand Cinema ever!

My second time watching midnight movie with my childhood brothers.

Waiting for late comer
Bros for life
Submit this to a contest
Midnight cinema was very quiet...
4.5/5 Recommended
For those expected actions of a monster in the movie then do not watch this movie... Other than those, I appreciate the style of How Japanese Godzilla makers they tried to maintain and improvise with GCI and human puppet into a scene. (below is one youtube video about the history of Godzilla movies making)

Credit those whoever owns/copyright those pictures

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