Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Personal - Random Moments During November

Hi Blog,

This month November I made some random pictures with my EX-FR100 camera, but my thoughts were quite unsettling.... disappointment came more than positive.

Black Day
My day while working, wasn't that happy...
It was school holiday and I was thinking to tidy my desk.
But completely no mood....
I should not think about it.... Just bury it first
Work Out
Trying to work out for my chin-up but.... seriously... no motivation
Trying to be proud
I was trying to stay strong...
really... there were a lot in my mind lately...
How I wished I can look away and forget about it...
but still have a lot of responsibilities on my back... 
I should weight responsibilities over my emotions
but... seriously... I was completely wore off....
Just hate how others judged/stereotyped.
I knew I am an idiot and too self-conscious...
but... why others see me like I am always WRONG....
sometimes... I wished I can accept it gracefully... but nope....
checking my phone address book and find out no one I can trust for sharing.
I guess I have to trust myself...
Trying something different
sometimes trying new design or look to forget the past.
it seemed that it went away
too bad, it was just temporary....
Just enjoy the scenery...
Trying to keep up my mood
Trying to work on the chin-up but... failed to motivate myself again...
Where can I find my motivation again.....
Do I have to hold a confidence of myself?
trying new angle of photography... putting at lower angle!
but.... I don't feel any increase of self confidence.. anyway I will just work out infront of my desk!!
Work out with Dumbbell

time to work on the dumbbell but I need one more bell.
Doing Chin-Up
one pull up
second pull up
Give up..... I can only do two....
Hope I can be better...


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