Feel bounded this time around, perhaps lack of ideas... |
Friday, December 31, 2021
Blog - December Update
Hi Blog,
Wow! December! As compared to other years, this year, it seemed like I have lesser posts... I might need some time to revisit my usual hiking places... But I doubt anyone will want to read the same old things again.
Anyway, it is a diary for me; I will take it easy and hope next year will be a good one.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Sunday, December 26, 2021
Trip - Bukit Batok Hillside Nature Park and Jurong Hill Park
Hi Blog,
Merry Belated Christmas. Thanks to my blog for walking with my stupid boring journey. These days, I had been known among my friends for visiting unusual places and today is no exception, I managed to find one place guided by my friend and another one from JH. What a day to spend after Christmas!
To my surprise, the trip was a short one but since JH drove a car so the road trip seemed easy and possible.
Mr Sun was excited to visit those places with me |
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Trip - Fort Serapong
Hi Blog,
On the last day of my two days of medical leave, I decided to go for an exploration. Where am I planning to go? Yes! Mrs R introduced to me a special place at Sentosa which was Fort Serapong.
Why did I want to explore such a location, which you might ask? When you think of Sentosa, you will name a few tourist attractions, but to me, those are just meh. The place where I visited, is one of the raw and hidden gems, untouched and might be gone in future; who knows. Personally, I just wanted to visit before it was gone.
Today weather seemed okay. Hope it won't rain heavily. |
Monday, December 13, 2021
Hiking - Wild Nep Hunting
Friday, December 3, 2021
Personal - Suits for the Theme #56
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Blog - November Update
Hi Blog,
New month started, the month when she was getting married. I just simply smiled and moved on.
I realised these few days Miss Sky seemed like planning to daily-wash the Earth and my calendar started to pack with programmes and meetings... I will try to go for a workout whenever I can.
Set a new target and move towards it |
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Personal - Fighting with Inner Demons
Hi Blog,
Last year March, I gave myself a No Fap Challenge (link) for 30 days and even though I did not manage to complete it for 30 days, the overall feeling was great. You may check my initial post first to find out why I wanted to try it.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Hiking - Dark Thomson Visit
Hi Blog,
It had been a while since I visited Thomson Nature Park. I checked, my last visit alone was May 2021 (link) which I went alone and in the previous visit was with Sctt on Apr 2021 (link)
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Personal - Mini Weekend Tour Guide
Hi Blog,
Oh my... my weekend were packed with programmes like hiking, clearing errands and making arrangements for upcoming classes... In this post, I was actually asked to become a "tour guide" for two different places because I shared my hike on FB...
Oh well... I told myself that I don't want to bring anyone to such tours... because I don't want to trouble the "good friends" anymore. Hope it will be the last time.
So here, on 20th Nov 2021, I brought a few of my friends for a tour. Want to make a guess where I will be bringing them to? |
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Personal - Top Eight Woodneuk Graffities
Hi Blog,
This is my first try of sharing my view of some top selections on certain random stuff. Like this post as titled, this will be my Top Eight Woodneuk Graffities (personal preference)
You can share with me which graffiti that you like and why. For me, how I based on, is to showcase the detail of that graffiti artwork and effort from the artist. Let's start from the First Graffiti!
Since I won't be going there anymore, what remains in my mind when I visited that place, is its graffiti artwork. |
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Trip - Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Trip - Istana Woodneuk Abandoned House
Hi Blog,
Today I don't care rain or shine, I wanted to explore one place which is my list and credit to one of my IG followers, urbex_horse, who guided me the route. I got to know Istana Woodneuk from these following sites: wikipedia, stateofbuildings and smartlocal. (I will encourage you guys to check them out and see how much changes it got since then.)
Warning: That place is still forbidden to enter because of it is not a safe place for visiting. I hope my visit will discourage you to. And hope readers can keep this harmless personal blog low profile. I don't want troubles.
Mr Sun and Miss Sky seemed to know that I am going to somewhere... and they showed their worries. |
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Personal - Suits for the Theme #55
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Blog - October Update
Hi Blog,
October arrived in so fast; September seemed like a blink of an eye. I observed that I didn't do many long posts but more on short posts (which parked under that Month Update) because not much opportunity and lesser great places to explore.
Might revisit those places again since it is a nice place for photos. :) hope you won't be bored by it.
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At least, something new like this, a simple thing will make my day. |
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Personal - Suits for the Theme #54
Hi Blog,
Oh my! Hahaha, I almost forgot about this trisuit theme. it was started in Jul 2020 and completed in Jan 2021, then I just left it within my draft.
My #54 trisuit theme! If you missed the previous one, you may click here or view the whole theme.
I guess it is time to tidy this theme |
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Hiking - Find the Third Car
Hi Blog,
Recently... my emotional/emotionless mood has kind of dragged me these days. I decided to move on with my life.
So where should I go to? My IG feed got one user who visited Bukit Brown Cemetery (my first visit and second visit) He found something which I had missed out on previously.
Mr Sun waved at me and told me to step out now. |
Friday, October 15, 2021
Personal - Suits for the Theme #53
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Hiking - Wild Imagination Hunting
Good Morning Blog,
Yawning... Today I took leave because I wanted some time for myself... Supposed to hike with my fellow hobbyists to find wild SG Nepethenes but... the same kite episode replayed. I will go on my own hiking.
Since I took leave and let don't waste it.
Woke up earlier than my usual work time |
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Trip - The Singapore Ant Museum
Hi Blog,
It might come up impromptu, today I decided to visit Singapore Ant Museum. Have you heard about it?
Lucky, it is located near where I stay so let's explore that place! |
The main reason why I wanted to visit Ant Museum because previously, I got myself a few ant ferns to house those ants at my nep garden, but recently don't know why they were gone completely... So I wanted to make an 'open world' ants formicarium and learned a few tips from the museum.
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Personal - One More Time for Children Day
Hi Blog,
Once again, Children's Day was approaching... One of my most stressful month... was to come out video performance for students. (you may check on last year similar post which stressed me up greatly... here) Since beginning of Sep, after Teachers' Day Celebration, I started to ask my colleagues for ideas.
Finally, settled one major project and let me share what we had gone through.
Yes! What you are seeing now, is our completed video. |
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Blog - September Update
Hi Blog,
Hmm... Too many things happened in my life... Some which I can't control or have any saying over, but others took it as I am just finding excuses; to further open the wound and misunderstanding, they just quoted, "If you are sincere, you will find or make time for it." or " you manage your own life between work, family and personal time; no one controls your time besides yourself..."
Honestly... it was suffocating... Like do they even know what I had to go through? Like meet up, we might had arranged but inconvenience just happened or my availability doesn't match yours. Anyway, I am kind of give up if that was what they think. A lot of negative energy these days...
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Oh Yeah, welcome to my Sep update. |
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Personal - Suits for the Theme #52
Hi Blog,
Today I didn't go for any jog because I got rather tired... and spoiled by rain. I will post one completed Trisuit theme for the day.
Really need to get out of this abyss of physique-comparison trend, which doesn't help me... Anyway, if you had missed my previous trisuit theme #51 (you can click here) and check out the overall collection of the theme here.
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I guessed this #52 trisuit theme is just to express my emotionless mood. |
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Hiking - Bukit Brown Cemetery Visit II
Good Afternoon Blog,
I thought today would rain but eventually, Miss Sky had some other plan and let Mr Sun take over the day. Today hike, I should be bringing a new friend, Ga, for his first hike at Bukit Brown.
Well, since Ga was unable to go I shall go and explore that place myself.
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Check out the intensity of Mr Sun |
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Cycling - To Hampstead
Good Morning Blog,
ZN wanted to go for a ride and asked me to find a place. I thought through... ZN doesn't have a bike of his own but he claimed he can rent the public bike. Seriously?
Besides catching the sun rise, I also wanted to cover one place... That is Hampstead Wetland Park.
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Since he was so confident about it so we will ride early to wake Mr Sun. |
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Trip - Rainy Lazarus
Hi Blog,
Didn't manage to take leave during that term break so I can escape from the school holiday crowd and bring my bro, Sv, who hardly able to take his leave from his heavy workload to my favourite island - Lazarus.
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Hiking - Anyone Around
Good Afternoon Blog,
My motivation was rather low. Don't know how come it was so low... I shall hike to meet my friend, T, to collect my plant.
I decided to hike in the noon and will want to go for a spidery-investigation and some self-reflection... Hopefully, I can push myself forwards.
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Nice weather today |
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Personal - Suits for the Theme #51
Hi Blog,
yes here come with my #51 trisuit theme! In fact, I just realised that I had completed this theme since last year Jul! hahaha! If you think that I looked younger and lesser fat, you are not wrong because I got older and fatter now.
If you want to check out my other trisuit themes, you can click here.
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I should try to get creative here next time |
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Cycling - Ulu Ride
Saturday, September 4, 2021
Hiking - The Southern Ridges
Good Morning Blog,
Thanks goodness Saturday morning no rain and will be bringing my friend, MF, to kickstart his hiking experience before working. MF picked to explore Southern Ridges, I had gone there many times (like this post) but it was a long time ago.
Alright, Southern Ridges, here I coming!
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Morning, Mr Sun seemed happy today. |
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Blog - August Update
Hi Blog,
10 years of blogging since 2010, writing my thoughts and share my experience to space. My blog got personal and repetitive dull, but it is how my life is. Writing is just a way to keep my mind checked.
who knows one fine day I might stop blogging, actually won't have any effect on anyone. Right?
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August monthly update :) |
Sunday, August 29, 2021
Hiking - My Spider-Camera
Good Morning Blog,
After yesterday recharge, today I will try to push myself for some more workout.
But Wy texted me for a hike and catch up session. Wy wanted my help to become her study project for her psychology study submission, basically, she wanted to know my family background, my psychological mental health and life challenges. I will share with you what she had written next time.
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Wanted to bring my waifu for a ride. |
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Hiking - Complex Self
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Personal - Got Scammed Experience
Hi Blog,
Have you experienced any scam before? This week I got one despite my guts warned me loudly but I still chose to risk it... Just stupid me... I just can't forgive myself for being stupid...
let me share with my rollercoaster-scam experience. Warning, it will be a lot of screenshots in this post and I will explain my thought towards the screenshots between me and the seller.
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Yes, I got scammed because I wanted to complete my houseplants craze with one last plant. |
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Cycling - Wake Mr Sun Up
Good Morning Blog,
Yawning... Today's post will be a short one. I didn't have proper sleep because I woke up every single hour or even every 15 mins... I just worried that I might oversleep...
Wy is the lady who drew a Merlion head cycling track together with us. She stays quite near me and wanted to cycle together, so I have to uphold my promise.
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Ended up, I only slept a few hours, and since I had promised to meet up Wy. |
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Personal - 08 08 Date
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Trip - Tuas TV World
Good Afternoon Blog,
This must be one of my most impromptu hikes ever or my first impromptu hike. Why so? As I was transforming myself into a pig or couch potato, I browsed a fb post which caught my attention.
What was it so special which made me give up my transformation? Yes, as titled, it was Tuas TV World.
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After I learned its location and it will be gone sooner... I decided to gear up and left my home. |
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Blog - July Update
Hiking - Race with the Rain
Good Morning Blog,
This will be a short post about today hike. ZN asked me to go for an early hike, so since I needed some motivation to add a little push towards my tired and lazy fat body.
Actually, today I don't feel like taking pictures... ZN won't like to take my pictures that much but I learned that it turned out, he is fine with it as long as I don't do it too often. Hahaha... Today we went for a green corridor.
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I would want to start early so I can sleep throughout after that, Hahaha! |
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Personal - Suits for the Theme #50
Hi Blog,
This post is my 50th Anniversary Trisuit Theme post! Hahaha! 50th, Wow!
By viewing the whole collection in one post (here), what an achievement.
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A simple victory hand-sign |
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Personal - My 42nd Birthday
Hi Blog,
Yes! Today is my 42nd Birthday. Overall, I should remind myself, have I gotten any wiser or still struck in a deep abyss of expecting more?
Let's share with you how I spent my birthday.
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This year, or this month, I was crazed for overspent and spent on plant but this is the one which I must have it as my birthday gift for myself. |
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Hiking - Bukit Brown Cemetery Visit
Good Morning Blog,
Supposed to wait for Az to visit Bukit Brown... I guessed he is one typical example of those who cared GREAT interest and Keenness to hike together; very chatty and promising and right after our first hike to Keppel Reservoir, like other people - the chat just started dying off. Not that I will expect anything but it just triggered and sent me back to the abyss of how shxtty I am in person...
I shall return to where and how I started, which is just me. I will just go alone!
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but anyway... Instead of sinking and continuing to nail myself into the coffin |
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Hiking - Voice Out
Hi Blog,
Usually weekend morning, I will go for a hike or take my waifu out or maybe clearing some errands... Today I should be going for a good hike...
I woke up early morning but I just wanted to "die my feelings"... because if I started to look into those feelings... I will have to face many negative feelings (even though there are position too)but I need to let everything sank first then pick myself up from there.
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And I felt rather emotionless and didn't want to do anything else... |
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Product - CIGA Design X Series Titanium Mechanical Watch
Hi Blog,
Not long ago, I made a product opening post for HappieWatch (link) and yes! I am crazy to fall into another Watch-Craze flu! I decided to purchase another one suggested on FB and got poisoned by it.
I calmed down and reflected on myself... and I know why this watch got my attention. I always wanted a skeleton watch since young, and the most desired skeleton watches I liked are just way too expensive... And this CigaDesign watch just made me lose my senses. You can check the actual product from IndieGoGo (link).
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This was the first image that PIERCED through my soul! |
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Personal - Suits to the Theme #49
Hi Blog,
I guess every month having a complete trisuit theme to make an opening post will be a good starter post. This month will also have one trisuit theme which I spent a good quality time to gather.
By putting a towel over the beanbag is to prevent my smelly sweaty back stained it. Anyway, if you had missed the previous theme #48 (here) and check the overview of the rest of my trisuit theme (here).
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This post theme - Let me introduce my favourite beanbag which is my seat for playing games. |
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Blog - June Update
Hi Blog,
Covid Heightened Alert will last until the second week of June, many parks or places have been restricted. Good and bad but it is definitely the only way to live on.
May I had been actively updated my monthly post. Perhaps June will be slightly relaxed and chilled. let's start our June post with a trisuit theme completion because May does not have one.
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Struck on the web - either you can free yourself in time or struggle until eaten by a spider. |
Monday, June 21, 2021
Trip - Two Ferries Companies Comparison
Good Morning Blog,
Today was my last day of leave for 2020 (carried forward). Supposed to go for an island trip with Alvmax (as he always wanted to go, but when I managed to arrange a time to go, he can't go anymore because his granny passed away.) and since he can't make it and Jamster claimed he can make it. So will spend with him on that island trip (link) but...
he was tired as he just started working. I guessed I will go on this island trip on my own...
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Today weather seemed good despite had been raining for the past two days. |
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Trip - Explore Lazarus Unexplored
Monday, June 14, 2021
Personal - INFJ Sharing Secrets with Others
Good morning Blog,
Today was my leave and wanted to go for an island trip but... never mind. I decided to go for a short hiking and catch up session with Q. It will be some of my usual hiking trip and I took some time to observe how I share my secrets with others... Will explain more later.
Woke up early so that we can end today simple hike. Today post, I was wondering, as an INFJ, do I share secrets to others?
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Gloomy weather today, lucky I didn't go for suntan. |
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Personal - Not Moving to Next Level
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