Sunday, August 15, 2021

Cycling - Wake Mr Sun Up

Good Morning Blog,

Yawning... Today's post will be a short one. I didn't have proper sleep because I woke up every single hour or even every 15 mins... I just worried that I might oversleep...

Ended up, I only slept a few hours, and since I had promised to meet up Wy.
Wy is the lady who drew a Merlion head cycling track together with us. She stays quite near me and wanted to cycle together, so I have to uphold my promise.

Wy said there is a beautiful sun rise somewhere and it is the legendary Lower Seletar, where most Singaporeans will like to take Sunrise at.
A photo of my Waifu and her new friend.
I invited Wy to join in the shot - Looking away to look cool in the picture. LOL
Good morning Mr Sun!
And Miss Sky. Yes, you are not forgotten.
We were rather early and Wy wanted to explore Upper Seletar where I told her it is just nearby.

When we arrived here... I noticed one thing... a series of fences had waken up to block anyone to access my secret trail... Meaning I can't visit this place anymore... :(
The morning dew created depth here.
(Thanks Wy for the image) accompanied with bright sunlight
Mr Sun yawned loudly moment.
(thanks Wy for taking picture) I always want a shot of me doing my own stuff.
Let's go up to the tower
Carried my waifu up to the top of the tower but no regret
Because beautiful scenery even though it was washed off from the power of Mr Sun
Looked away from Mr Sun will have a nice lighting to this scene
Yes! Miss Sky for now, you look better than overpowered Mr Sun.
But honestly, morning dew + Sun light are perfect to make any scenery look amazing
And peacefully 'zenni'
After a good chit chat session with Wy and equipped with good positiveness + zenness, I spent some time washing my waifu and noticed something...
It's front tire was leaking air! Noooooooooooooo!
It also bleeding sealant too!
I brought my waifu to see the nearby 'bikor' (bike doctor) but can't do Much help as he doesn't do tubeless before.
We tighten the nut below but still leaked... 
Even after pumped, it leaked... I decided to bring it down to see Ky again. Thanks goodness he is still available!
Funny thing was, I carried my fat tire on the train station and placed it at my workplace, invited many people staring. I guessed they have not seen a fatbike before. The next funny thing was, Ky just pumped air in then a few rotating and resolved the whole thing!
Oh well. I sucked my thumb for good. At least, I got to cycle around to witness awaken Mr Sun, enjoyed beautiful scenery, good chit-chat session for the start of the day, resolved my tire issue easily to have a good chit chat session with Ky too. He will be moving his bike store and hope his business starts well!


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