Saturday, November 20, 2021

Personal - Top Eight Woodneuk Graffities

Hi Blog,

This is my first try of sharing my view of some top selections on certain random stuff. Like this post as titled, this will be my Top Eight Woodneuk Graffities (personal preference)

Since I won't be going there anymore, what remains in my mind when I visited that place, is its graffiti artwork.
You can share with me which graffiti that you like and why. For me, how I based on, is to showcase the detail of that graffiti artwork and effort from the artist. Let's start from the First Graffiti!

1st - Koi and a Face Graffiti
You might miss this graffiti if you dare not explore every single room and spend some time to check out the graffiti. Even though, this graffiti was chaotically mixed with other graffities but the Koi still outshines the rest. And you can see, there is a face at the right side of the Koi too. I really love the use of colour - Blue and Green, which gives depth. Skillful artist there.
2nd - Green Angry Pig
Random but expressive pig here. Well drawn here. I wondered... Is this pig pointing middle finger or just green dxck? Overall, the effort of the artwork was amazing.
3rd - QTSS
A typical graffiti wording style. Fat wording and nicely border with depth. But what does QTSS mean? I googled it... I got a Secondary School name. Overall, this text graffiti is generally well-done, if given more spray cans, We might get a colourful one.

4th - Lamb of God
If you visited this place at night, looking at this whole wall with a Lamb face, it will send a chill to your backbone. It takes a skill to spray such a massive work and get it symmetry, is impressive.
5th - Among Us
There are a lot of Among Us characters drawn around as graffiti but this one is nicely drawn.
6th - Cthulhu maybe
You had seen this in my main post - Anything tentacles is good :3
7th - Yin and Yang Head
I like this one because the symbol is clean from the chaotic graffities around it, and also, the Yin and Yang is a head. Interesting concept.
8th - Muscular Penix
To be honest, there are a lot of penix drawn every corner and wall. This muscular penix stands strong (pun intended) plus yellow cum. It can make a light laugh looking at it and for me, weighs my inferiority... Anyway, below I will show you the amount of penix graffities and you tell me which one you like? No homo.
Honourable mentioned penix-graffities
Below are some graffities which you might want to know why I will pick those top 8.

There is one or two graffities supposed to be mentioned but somehow, the effort and thought are relatively inferior than the top 8.
Wanted to list this as 9th but... You can't make out anything than eclectic of random graffities.
Shxt graffiti which lasts
Love this one though that graffiti replaced what it supposed to be here before.
Besides Penix and Among Us, there are also many illuminati graffities. This one is more dramatic than the rest.
A graffiti lady smiling at me, hmm... KTHXBYE!
Screaming monster - Love how round its eyes drawn.
Some random words which has zero relationship with me
Perfect graffiti to remind of my on-going No-Nut November challenge. LOL!
Look at these graffities, now you know why I put effort and detail of the graffiti as my judging criteria 
A random long neck gentleman and either he wants some upgrade in drawing or kill him.
Either a pair of balloon couple or alien couple - from the way how they drew its eyes, I believe it is alien.
Anyway, I have an awesome times here and thanks "good friends" brought me around and kept me safe
Hope you like the graffiti artworks here. It is a short and simple post.


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