Saturday, July 10, 2021

Product - CIGA Design X Series Titanium Mechanical Watch

Hi Blog,

Not long ago, I made a product opening post for HappieWatch (link) and yes! I am crazy to fall into another Watch-Craze flu! I decided to purchase another one suggested on FB and got poisoned by it.

This was the first image that PIERCED through my soul!
I calmed down and reflected on myself... and I know why this watch got my attention. I always wanted a skeleton watch since young, and the most desired skeleton watches I liked are just way too expensive... And this CigaDesign watch just made me lose my senses. You can check the actual product from IndieGoGo (link).

Looking through Ciga Design's previous series... X series is one of the BEST!
Besides it has a skeleton design, it also comes in mechanical!
Its glow in the dark melted me even more. :3
This 18k Gold coating finish added a luxury taste to this beautiful timepiece!
And it was a limited edition! (After I purchased... I realised that I was tricked by the fake banner... I checked this website from time to time, I still saw this banner on different laptops/browsers. Well... For this watch, I will bite it willingly.)
Wow! Check out their previous design. Great that they delivered and completed the fund. I think I can trust this company.
After a few months of usual crowdfunding drama... delayed here and there...

It arrived finally!!!
Thank you CIGA DESIGN!
Even have their own branded tape.
Open Sesame! Packed like a hard disk.
White hard casing booklet
beautiful embossing here
Giving a classic feel
Front and back of the cover - just chef kiss design
OOOOOOOOO (starry eyes)
Look at those drawings of the watch, those curves, that design symmetrical, clean but yet complex.
Thumb up for them!
WAH! SO clean!
What a description which I don't understand. LOL!
Next page!
Nice, they gave me two straps. Black is a good choice.
Oh! WOW!... I am in Love!
Finally, I owned my own skeleton watch!
Check out the mechanism inside this watch - complex and yet simple :3
There are two straps, and I shall use one of them and the 2nd one as a backup. Even though I wish it came with a metal strap
Besides having my Happiewatch now I have a SeriousWatch! :D
Let's shine some UV light to it to "charge" it!
Beautiful, isn't it? :3 My watch hobby is completed! (Even though I wished to collect back all my past spoiled watches, that I will leave it to my wallet.)
CIGA Watch X series is one of the best I have owned so far.
My mother gave me a watch casing and this casing will remind me that I have enough.
I used Ciga Design white form to make a cushion for the watch and perfect for keeping them in place.
Yes! Smile as bright as this watch can shine. I will learn to rotate the watches weekly just like how I managed my wardrobe. XD
I enquired CIGA Design Watch about how and when do we need to do annual maintenance? They replied "Generally this watch does not need to be maintained once a year. If there is a problem, you can go to the local repair shop to check it. For normal maintenance, you can also go to the watch repair shop for processing, such as maintenance of the upper and lower oils of the strings and checking the running time." Hmmm... Sounds... worrying... actually.

Overall, CIGA Design watch X-series is one of the newest (2021) and most beautiful designs among the whole series. You may check on YouTube for professional views towards CIGA Design watch.
You may check out these YouTubers too


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