Saturday, September 4, 2021

Hiking - The Southern Ridges

Good Morning Blog,

Thanks goodness Saturday morning no rain and will be bringing my friend, MF, to kickstart his hiking experience before working. MF picked to explore Southern Ridges, I had gone there many times (like this post) but it was a long time ago.

Morning, Mr Sun seemed happy today.
Alright, Southern Ridges, here I coming!

Mr Sun, please don't overly excited.
Back to habourfront again.
Many visitors had gathered here to go for similar hike route as usual.
okay... My tummy started to call... have to rush to toilet before it got worse.
Met up FM and let's go before Mr Sun reached to our top.
Here will be the start of the Southern Ridges.
A map of Southern Ridges which connect from Mount Faber Park, Telok Blangah Hill Park, HortPark, Kent Ridge Park and Labrador Nature Reserve. I doubt we will cover Labrador Nature Reserve today.
At Mount Faber park entrance, you will be greeted by rich thick greenery
Where plants towering over us. Just feeling small.
need to wait for my friend, FM during this flight of stairs... Honestly, it was breathless if climbing up while wearing a mask. I was about to die sooner... Breathing heavily.
This tree has been watching rise of Singapore and major SG history.
Finally, we had come to the flat ground onto of Mount Faber.
Up here, you can enjoy some spectacular views of the southern part of Singapore and Southern Islands.
Too bad, I can't capture a good view with my phone through this binoculars
But it is so comforting by looking beyond and further in a distance.
Oooo! Beautiful moth-like butterfly sun-tanning openly
Henderson Waves
I wondered where or how they captured nice overall shot of this bridge... You know where you can see the ribs of the bridge.
Nice green and blue here
And a nerdy me to spoil the scenery.
Love the curve and wanted to pose here but nah, skip this.
Check out this beautiful vein pattern of this leaf - Just like Anthurium Veitchii 
Approaching Telok Blangah Hill Park. The hill name which many Asians have difficult pronounced.
Forest Walk
Where we can get closer to the forest canopy
And we were quite high up from the ground.
One of the popular walk in Southern Ridges.
Thanks to whoever build this beautiful walkway.
The amount of crowd during weekend was crazy...
Bamboo which carries "memories" of many named couples
This place was covered by flora and many animals can be hidden under the greenery-net. 
Wooow! Spot some unknown beautiful variegated plants here. Awesome.
Top of Alexandra Arch
Spoiled by this nerd again.
Yes My favourite part of the whole Southern Ridges - Floral Walk
First plant to see, is this le-wild small banana - feeling relatable. Small...
Some unknown beautiful flowers before we reached...
Hortpark filled with beautiful and amazing plants!
Check this out, man! This one is Philodendron Mcdowell! Beautiful Rich, dark green leaves with white veins!
Some random shots for the flowers and leaf
If the water didn't flow with currents, it might have reflect the sky.
At HortPark, there is this neatly layout garden.
Great feeling to be surrounded by plants like this.
Feeling positive vibe from them
Sometimes negative does come back too
Walking further in
We passed by many interesting gardens like Silver Garden, Plant introduction Garden, Flora Fancy, Native and Cultural gardens, Vegetable Garden, Herbs and Spices Garden etc...
My favourite place will be Flora Fancy zone.
Place with many Singapore iconic features
How I wish I will have a garden like this
before ruined by this nerd.
Before we ended, I need to share this; this tree simply awed me the most!
Do you know what you are looking at? Instead of fern on this tree (typically), it was covered by wild orchid!
I am not Orchid expert
But I know it's size is impressive!
With two residents in one of the flowers
After departure with MF, glad he had a good hike and I turned back to continue my next meetup, I realised... MY SPIDER (post link) was gone! NNNNOOOOOOOOOOO! :( So sorry.. I only got to use it once... now it was gone... :( Any sponsor? (Shamelessly ask for sponsorship. I am no influence and just a nerd, won't stand a chance.)
Then I have to stick to my hand
Since I was early, I paid a visit to Lost Ark.
Surprisingly, no one was there at all!
And it was almost flooded due to heavy rains previously
Oh no... I missed my spider already...
And I wanted to take many pictures here but
I was just to scared to walk further away and bad camera angle...
So I will just stick to stable ground before my camera entered zero battery mode.
Hope MF will enjoy the hike and as predicted, it might be our last hike. (8.5 out of my 10 hike with others, will result this way) Hope they will continue to hike.



  1. Lovely post! Nice pictures taken! I missed trekking there too… but I guessed I am too old and too fat now to venture there hahaha

    1. Aww thanks for your kind words. 🙏🏼
      That place is good for any age group or size group to venture. You should Go there and explore! Please do so whenever you can make it!


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