Saturday, July 31, 2021

Blog - July Update

Hi Blog,

July already. Oh man! Time really passed fast for me. Covid pandemic had become a norm to everyone unlike last year.

Just want a hiding place for some me-time.
Even though, I posted lesser long posts these days and will treat my blogging as a relax habit than a chore.

1st Jul 2021 - WOW! Yes! For a July start, Uncle J invited me as a guest to his free staycation at MBS for a short swim. Beautiful pool and scenery from the top. Too bad, I can't stay too long or overnight because have to face infinity questions, make you feel shxtty comments and aftermath judgements from my mother. So a short swim is good enough.

3rd Jul 2021 - Today my waifu wanted to show off her tubeless setup at the slopes and I thought it is a great idea to prove tubeless setup for my waifu is a great decision. Usually, when I went upslope, I will need to switch to the max gear (10 is the max) to climb the slope and still struggling. Now with tubeless setup, I can switch to 8 and have no issue cycling upslope. Basically, it conserves 40% of my pedaling output to tubeless. I love cycling more now :)

5th Jul 2021 - ZN asked me to go for a jog which I will want to do today. I took it a chance to reflect my actions over pushing people away. Yes to many people, Move on my life and let it go, is the common advice given from others. Usually most advices they gave, are perdictable and at the impatience end. (I have never blamed them for reacted that way). In fact, I had thought through and might have a solution for myself and will share more in future. For now, I will rather be the bad person so that others will have more reasons to just give up on this shxt.

6th Jul 2021 - Trisuit Theme #49
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7th Jul 2021 - Getting more and more fatter now... Wanted to swim 10x 100m but ended up, I just gave up for the last lap and to make it worst... After this swim, met up my friends and they wanted to have some durian fest... Shaking head...
10th Jul 2021 - CIGA Design Watch X Series
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11th Jul 2021 - Seriously... I went on a shopping craze... Plant shopping craze. I purchased many plants from Carousel within one day. First, Morning I met up with one seller who stayed at Yishun, followed by meeting Hz and Dn to explore North side nurseries, then rushed down to meet M for lunching in the City, then met one seller at Paya Lebar, then travelled all the way to Tampines to finish off with my carousel purchase collection. I crazed because I can't get such good offer if I decided to buy them individually. Sigh... wallet is drying...

12th Jul 2021 - Speaking of shopping craze... You have not seen what I had purchased and all arrived today. This big bottle was to make sure that I will drink up enough water. Some purchased from Goli, some were random purchased - for friends, my auntie, my mother and my plants... I will take it as a treat for myself...

13th Jul 2021 - Speaking of random purchases, something which come in handle like this wet shoes from Decathlon. Perfect for situation like this morning flooding day when I can walk and dance happily in water.

14th Jul 2021 - Getting fatter and rounder every day... I just wished I can be slimmer so that I can swim smoothly like dolphin... I just got myself a black trunk. Perhaps I can stop white sooner... Happened to see one slim individual swimming in white too. Fit and buff like Greek God. Envy him... Lucky I didn't wear my spectacles to sink in the abyss of my inferiority issue when swimming... Sigh... move on.

16th Jul 2021 - Finally got to go for a jog. Actually, I had to force myself to jog. I was glad that I did... Even though my emotion was not colourful, but after jog will ease me a bit. :)

17th Jul 2021 - Voice Out
(Click here to read more)

18th Jul 2021 - After spending a day of self reflection, I took today moment to send my blessing to all my friends who left in my life. Yeah... I can't control everyone's thought but I will make sure they are under my prayer radar. Yes, to them, I might deem hypocrite but I can't do much to how you will think. May in alternate timeline, we are still good friends.

19th Jul 2021 - Black might be the permanent colour that I will wear for swim? Do you like it? To be normal? Untoned people like me should just fit in to what society wants me to be?

21st Jul 2021 - I realised my new watch will stop working if I don't wear it often. HD suggested to get a watch winder to prevent the engine lost its lub. Then I bought a second-hand winder and it works great. What a way to end my watch-craze.

24th Jul 2021 - Bukit Brown Cemetery Visit
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25th Jul 2021 - My 42nd Birthday
(Click here to view more)

26th Jul 2021 - Feeling fat and full but since ZN asked for a job. Let's go for it! Beautiful sunset too. Orange suit with orange sky :)

27th Jul 2021 - Long time that I have not been wearing my white suit out for a jog. I still love the fabric of the suit to stick to my fat curvy body. If it just fit to my chest alone, that must be me day dreaming.

28th Jul 2021 - Suits for the Theme #50
(Click here to read more)

29th Jul 2021 - This month was surely... my plant month... Just hope this beautiful recovered from shock.

30th Jul 2021 - Wore my favourite jacket back home from work like cosplaying... a Japanese School Boy. hahaha. Or Japanese Work Boy!

31st Jul 2021 - Race with the Rain
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More is coming up...


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