Saturday, October 23, 2021

Hiking - Find the Third Car

Hi Blog,

Recently... my emotional/emotionless mood has kind of dragged me these days. I decided to move on with my life.

Mr Sun waved at me and told me to step out now.
So where should I go to? My IG feed got one user who visited Bukit Brown Cemetery (my first visit and second visit) He found something which I had missed out on previously.

What?! I missed out the third car?!
In my previous Bukit Brown visit, I only found two abandoned cars, there is a third one?
Oh yes! I just got my booster jab yesterday. Thanks goodness, I got a quick and painless jab, and now, just a mild arm sore and nothing serious as what others had experienced.
oh! Hi Miss Sky cheered on me stepping out. Thanks Miss Sky. Oh? You made some special arrangements for me today? Thanks Miss Sky.
Smiled brightly with my plants. Thank you for ensuring that my love and attention to you will grow beautifully and well daily.
Tidy my emotions and restart my journey
Never try shot as if I walked on greenery with a tall building behind.
Time to remove my musky mask during my solo hike
It seemed like today hike will be a cloudy one, thanks Miss Sky for helping.
Love this tunnel, feeling like time traveling
But I know one nicer tunnel in Singapore, too bad, it was removed.
It just reminded me of my bad emotions after the shocking news I received... on 19th Oct 2021.
It seemed like I was tangled on web for a long time.
While walking the familiar route... I started to revise on how come I got myself tangled...
Oh! This is NEW. During my second visit here (a few weeks ago) it was lightly fetched and now it was fetched up.
Wanted to climb over but ants had taken over the fetch.
But it didn't stop me from finding ways to get over
A shortcut to Bukit Brown Cemetery. Hmm... It seemed like there are active construction going on.
I guessed I can't visit to the quieter zone of Bukit Brown
Continued my journey to the temple.
I questioned myself - Am I too obsessive? Can't let go of her?
Stopping at a split road... which path should I take? That reminded me of INFJ tends to conflicting themselves emotionally. (quora link) Actually... knowing myself as an INFJ... I also happened to read how other fellow INFJs deal when they fell in love with someone. (quora link)
At least, I feel grounded and certain that I am normal.
Quoted from Bernard Soo Jing Heng in Quora (link)
  • I want to get close to you.
  • I want to have a conversation with you.
  • Sometimes try small talks to avoid awkwardness
  • Being with you makes me flustered
  • Nervous and exciting at the same time
  • Always smile at you don’t want to be weird in front of you but so nervous that makes me want to be weird.
  • Just so happy to see you
  • Really want to know you gradually
  • Really love to see you
  • Really want to spend time with you and hope you will fill my life
  • Believing that you are the one
  • Fantasizing when I am alone on my bed
  • Can’t stop thinking about you sometimes will be jealous when you are with someone else instead with me. (kinda rare)
So am I obsessed over her? I will say nope. I don’t have a slight thought of wanted her to always be my side, chase away any potential partners around her and lock her up so that only I can see her but no one. I don't do that, I only want to see her found her own happiness who is worthy to provide... I have nothing afford to her or anyone... many inner voices started to shout loudly in my mind...

Okay... I started to enter darkness again...
Oooo! Here is the entrance of Bukit Brown Cemetery. Nice Gate.
Take a deep breathe. It is okay, Jeff. You are doing well... Breathe in and you will be alright.
I will try to smile again in front of the alter. I feel something familiar here... The deity here, is usually forgotten and ignored... How it feels? But it is still fulfilling its duty and continue to serve others. I guess I have a lot to learn from them.
Getting near the location of the abandoned cars :) let's go!
Waving to the trees here for welcoming me for the visit again. 👋👋👋
I guessed I am not alone to hunt for the third car... There were other hikers.
I just walked behind the buffed people... They gave me an awkward expression when they saw me (perhaps an untoned person in trisuit as compared to them)
The buffed group stopped at the entrance to the abandoned cars route so they asked me whether is this path to the cars and I decided to bring them along with me.
As they followed behind me, one of them asked why am I wearing a trisuit for the hike. Usually I will just avoid or dislike the question. For now, I replied, "I love it because I like the cooling feeling while hiking." I am totally heck care how they viewed me. For now, if I can fit in the suit, then I will continue to wear it because by the next five years, I might stop wearing it totally; so I should enjoy now.
Here is the overview of the abandoned cars site. Can you find those cars?
AH! Here you are! Finally! Feeling completed! The Third car found! it camouflaged within the fig vines! 
Well hidden car
First car and I called it Bush.
The 2nd Car here - Half of its body was gone. I called this Harvey.
Lastly, the third car received a lot of attention by the buffed group.
non-stop snapping of pictures
The third abandoned car - one of the most intact cars here.
Some of the close-up shots of this car
My favourite abandoned car here too - I called this Ferrari.
The buffed group had left and now only me and the car here.
Photo session of me with nature and wild imagination started to kick in. LOL! A spirit started to emerge from the tall tree and pixx off to see some random guy disturbed its rest.
I was trying to run but I was struck as the spirit was trying to trap me here.
The anger of that spirit was getting stronger and stronger!
I better get out of here!
The only way to get away from the spirit...
Is to climb this stair...
and apologised for disturbing the spirits here.
Finally the spirit returned back and thanks for everything.
Stupid imagination I had 😆
Oh! Miss Sky wanted to wash the ground, she showed me some signs to get out from the place.
Alright, Miss Sky. Thanks for giving me a lesser-sunny hiking experience.
Rain started. Two ways to look at it... Either wash away my sadness or feeling down.
Decision will be on me. I will take it positively. I will be okay and life still move on without her.


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