Friday, April 23, 2021

Hiking - Simple Evening Hike II

Good evening Blog,

Today weather was GREAT! As compared to my previous hike last Friday (post), Today was perfect to visit the same place again to confirm whether is it crowded or not.

Looking out and wondering... Will it mean tomorrow will rain again?
Today will be a short hike again with Sctt and we will visit Thomson Nature Park and Upper Peirce.

Let's go!
I guessed Mr Sun and Miss Sky are waiting for us for today hike.
Same place different mood
Not sure today sunset will be nicer than the previous visit.
From what I can predict before entering, there will have visitors (maybe four to six groups) because it is a Friday and no rain. Visitors who have vehicles will visit this place.
(Thanks Sctt for helping) My another 1:9 shot at Thomson Nature Park
There is one entrance which I had yet visited, I wondered will I find anything new here.
This path is a quiet path and best to soak in the tranquillity.
(Thanks Sctt for helping) perhaps more natural and look away shots will be great
Ooo this board is new to me. I didn't see this in my other visits. A bit of history of what they had contributed in the past.
(Thanks Sctt for helping) Continued our exploration
Finding some mushrooms and give the "fun-guys" a high five
Maybe I should give myself a chance to hunt for mushrooms :)
Sometimes flowers are awesome to be noticed too
or me? Hahaha Just kidding.
Back to beautiful flower and plant
If you don't like plants, perhaps ruins will be the main highlight at Thomson Nature Park
Previously, we took the right side loop, now we took the left side.
(Thanks Sctt for helping) This board is a MUST-Read about this park. :)
(Thanks Sctt for helping) Sunset was rather bright today
(Thanks Sctt for helping) let have a 1:9 shot here to show you the size of the trees
or 5:5 of me in the picture? LOL
As compared to the previous sunset, this one just meh. Fog can make a beautiful picture.
But I just love whatever setting Mr Sun gave me.
(Thanks Sctt for helping) About to exit Thomson Nature Park. My 1:9 shot again
and get back to my usual shot.
(Thanks Sctt for helping) Since we had enough time, let's go and chase the sun.
Before Mr Sun returned home... But it doesn't matter, most importantly is the companion to keep the topics burning.
(Thanks Sctt for helping) Yes Today we will visit Upper Peirce to see some sunset
It seemed like Mr Sun started to...
(Thanks Sctt for helping) ...sleep I think we still can catch up with Mr Sun
Let's GO! Sctt before Mr Sun closed his eyes completely.
YES! We made it, Sctt!
(Thanks Sctt for helping) Good Night Mr Sun!
(Thanks Sctt for helping) You know something... While checking on the sunset... I learned something from it... All good things will end eventually... We can only treasure the very moment before it set. 
Just like human interaction... When it set... no matter what I say or do, won't reverse the direction it is driving towards. As usual... when things turn sour, yes, it is always my fault for causing things to turn sour... Since young... I am the catalyst to spoil anything
I can't change anyone thinking... I will accept it, like accept the fact, the sun had set. Even though I see the world brightly but I don't know how to explain it anymore.
(Thank you Sctt for helping for the last time) Thank you Mr Sun and Sctt for such beautiful pictures. May the light bless your way than me getting into the way.
Time to return to where everything started before. I shall move on and leave it to memories.


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