Sunday, August 29, 2021

Hiking - My Spider-Camera

Good Morning Blog,

After yesterday recharge, today I will try to push myself for some more workout.

Wanted to bring my waifu for a ride.
But Wy texted me for a hike and catch up session. Wy wanted my help to become her study project for her psychology study submission, basically, she wanted to know my family background, my psychological mental health and life challenges. I will share with you what she had written next time.

She still needed some information from me, I guessed we will just go for a hiking trip.
Fattening... But thanks goodness she doesn't mind and non-judgement of me in this Disgusting attire.
Oh! She drove to my place in the next few minutes.
Oh! Hey! I found this spider legs and time to possess my camera and become a spider-camera!
(Image credit to whoever owned this image) Reminded me of this Japan horror - Hiruko the Goblin.
Now it snapped pictures of my day without knowing. (Pretending that I was been watching, LOL!)
Since Wy's friend didn't turn up for her invitation, so I suggested we can go to Kranji Marshes to clear Wy's need-to-go list.
Not surprisingly... this place was filled with visitors...
I feel if we were alone here, it will be a good chance to find interesting small things like...
Like appreciating this unknown Alocasia plants
Finding little critters
(thanks Wy for helping) oh man! What BIG leave that this elephant ear can get! I wish my Maximum can start growing and become giant that it should be.
Quiet park for the birds but today was packed with family-birdies.
Kranji Marshes iconic scene :) We were at different part of Singapore.
Plants just simply overgrown on the bridge
Where is my newly possessed spider-camera?
Did you find it, Wy? Where has it gone to?
It seemed like Mr Sun and Miss Cloud had some plan later on... They were preparing for something later on. Hmm...
I wondered where my spider-camera goes to... Really sneaky.
We tried to look out for any birdie in this area.
Hmmm... I guessed the only bird we can see is a pair of Sitting Ducks.
Spider-camera, where are you? We are leaving sooner.
AH! Here you are! Naughty camera! Got legs and start to misbehave! (Thanks Wy for snapping sneakily)
Next stop - what a "creepy" dark bird-watching room.
No bird spotted but a swimming monitor lizard
Red ants nest, it is very dangerous if you brush yourself into their nest. Not a nice experience... One of my biggest fears while hiking too.
Nice :D Mr Skinks! Long time never bump to you.
Wy spotted this colourful dried leaf along the pavement. Beautiful colour like painting on a leaf painted by Mother Nature.
Speaking of painting, Mother Nature also loves white as I do, making variegated-art on certain plants.
Look up and I can only spot fake birds
Better than nothing, right? It seemed like it was going to rain sooner.
My spider-camera found a spot for itself. :) Nice and now I can just wear it.
It seemed like a short hike and distracted by rain, Wy (as a cafe-lover) suggested a place that I will never spare a thought to visit (I am not coffee/tea person), and it is Suzuki Gourmet Coffee (google map) located in a deserted location.
oooo Since 1979? Hahaha... Same age! High five to this brand.
Interesting Japanese Vibe exterior
Looks classic up the second floor where you can order for a coffee.
For me, I just took a picture here and tried one of their coffee (Mocha)
Interesting theme for a cafe, nice coffee too. (warm coffee in the rain) Quiet and peaceful vibe cafe but yet mediocre and a bit of a hype which I believe among cafe-hoppers. Just take note that there is no parking here.
Then realised that the rain paused, I suggested we should go TV World to explore!
(Thanks Wy for helping) YES! :D Revisit this place again!
(Thanks Wy for helping) Walking around undisturbed.
Ah! Finally found the map of this place! I will link to the post I made previously.
Taking pictures at an unusual place is a MUST
(Thanks Wy for snapping) Honestly, as long as it is uncommon and different from our norm, the pictures will turn out nice. LOL, don't you agree?
I can imagine how this place was utilised. The director shouting across the street, a lot of spotlight, movement by the actors, and many eyes watching at certain people (actors).
Light, Camera and
(Thanks Wy for snapping) Action!
(Thanks Wy for snapping) Ooooh! Speaking of action, this place was used to serve as Police training ground too.
(Thanks Wy) Locate the target and snap!
(Thanks Wy) I become a model sample on how to pose here. LOL! Shameless me.
At least, Wy did well here. :D
(Thanks Wy for sneaky snapping) Exploring deeper
(Thanks Wy) Ah! Finally got to take some pictures for this building
(thanks Wy) planning to walk up but don't wish to waste too much time here. Thunder storm was on its way.
This beautiful cottage was one of the highlights in this trip.
Lets take some pictures for Wy - feeling like traveling to overseas!
(thanks Wy) perhaps my turn and re-enactment Romeo and Julie scene.
(thanks Wy) this reminded me of the Thailand trip which I went, European Victoria style
One of the highlights of this place was this broken down vintage vehicle.
Trying to open the cover to see the engine.
hmm... Done!
(thanks Wy) strike a pose for the picture
Helped Wy to capture this moment because we might not come back here again. Miss Cloud started to rain too.
And the rain started to pour then we exited, hope I will visit this place again. Just a random Sunday program. Thanks Wy for accompanying me then fetched me back home too.


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