Saturday, October 9, 2021

Trip - The Singapore Ant Museum

Hi Blog,

It might come up impromptu, today I decided to visit Singapore Ant Museum. Have you heard about it?

Lucky, it is located near where I stay so let's explore that place!
The main reason why I wanted to visit Ant Museum because previously, I got myself a few ant ferns to house those ants at my nep garden, but recently don't know why they were gone completely... So I wanted to make an 'open world' ants formicarium and learned a few tips from the museum.
Behold! Singapore First Ant Museum!
Many years ago, I got to know this museum from YouTube and understood how amazing the owner started his hobbies.

Let's watch this videos to understand the history of this museum.

(Thanks XY for helping) After almost three years, I was here finally!
At the outside of the museum, we were greeted by a few empty formicarium and fake giant ants. I thought it was spider. Hahaha!
We will need to leave our shoes outside like entering a house.
The entrance of Ant Museum (First Floor) Filled up with crystals, many different of Ant-related board games, and different types of ant formicarium.
At the first floor, most of the paintings were painted by the founder of the Ant Museum
He draws well! :D
A house setting with ant formicarium wall - we are surrounded by them
Something red for luck? LOL
An open space like my homestay during my first Malacca trip (link)
oooo! A giant ant like Ant-man! XD
here here. I hope to pet a pet Ant :)
It seemed like the founder of Ant Museum had his own TED talk! You can check it out here.
For me, I am not the Tedtalk worthy person. I am just a quiet blogger of myself.
One interesting work here. The man seemed like set free from the bounds, rescued by the ants; Like how the founder started the ant keeping hobby.
What an interesting Peranakan tiles here. Well preserved. Side note: I shared my Ant Museum Visit photos on my FB and this photos drew SO MANY likes and trolling... (FB link)
Our tour time started, we were asked whether we want to purchase a lighted magnifying glass to help us to observe the ants in action. Whoever reading this and planning to go, AND also want to experience and save up some cash, bring yours. Alright, where were we... Oh yes! We were told to move up to second floor as a group.
Second Floor - Right Zone
It is a small place and Ant formicarium does not need a big space
We moved to a room like a theater, showing short cute summary about ant. If they can invest on a bigger screen will be better.
After the short video session, we were told to gather and listened to another sharing session (similar to the video we had just watched) kind of weird... Because the information were reputative so maybe can add some more fun facts on top of the video? But great and confident presenting from this young lady.
A giant fake-ant in her hand looked rather huge.
Here is a paid feeding station like many animals farm, this one is to feed ants.
I am trying my best to spell the ant's name correctly - This one is Eurhopalothrix Heliscata. To me, it is a black ant. LOL! So sorry that I was unable to take a better shot with my shaky phone and while the ants moved fast. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
Next is Myrmicaria Brunnea. Hmm... I will see these ants in the wood and seldom show up in the residential area. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
I forgot to capture the name for this ant, but just another black ant. LOL! One of the visitors dripped a few drops of honey water, then after a while, it was SWAMPED with ants!!!!!!
Tetraponera Rufonigra - when we think there is red ant and black ant, and this one is special, it is black - red - black with a long body. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
Okay! Let's explore this side of the formicarium.
Formicarium for Camponotus Nicobarensis - seemed lonely. You can't find active ants in it. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
OOO! This one! This ant is special! Meranoplus Bicolor. One fuzzy ant which I will like to keep if I want to have a formicarium! : (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
Camponotus Albosparsus - they don't seem to like to come out from their nest. All you see, are holes. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
A tank filled with many formicarium for Iridomyrmex Anceps. Just a "bold" version of black ant. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
Anoplolepis Gracilipes - rather small ant which is difficult to capture while they are constantly moving. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
Dolichoderus Thoracicus formicarium is specially setup and they look like a black Furry Ant. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
A small formicarium of Diacamma Rugosum. Can't see much here, like they are taking their own time browsing around. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
Oecophylla Smaragdina - the guide was calling us to go over another side so I can't spend time looking at some ant. This formicarium is rather special and enclosure with flora. This red ant is the type of ant which will silk the plant leaves and dominate the whole plant. One of the scariest and fiercest ants to protect their territory which I don't want to mess up with. Can you imagine if you jog/cycle and bump your body into their nest? Oh my! Scary. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
Odontomachus Simillimus - Special ant with an obviously wide-open mouth jaw part to snap its victim. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
Odontoponera Denticulata - I noticed there are escaped ants rooming around from formicarium to another. I found the source which was from this formicarium. Escaped Ant! NOoooo! Nightmares for most Ant keepers. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
Alright, time to move to the Second Floor Left Zone of the museum.
She told us to gather for this special ant as it will only active in the dark. So... what is it? Glow in the dark ant?
oooo! Dinomyrmex Gigas! As the name suggested, it is a Dino and Giant sized ant! (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
It is the largest ant species in the world and surprisingly, it is also quite docile. :) Now it becomes my favourite ant and pet-potential. Thank you to it for posing nicely for me.
Solenopsis Geminata aka Fire Ant from Fire Nation! They look small but they will make you cry like toddler if they bite. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
Can't really see the name of this ant but beautiful formicarium here.
Last table at the Left Zone but I don't have time to check these ants out. Everyone was exiting the museum.
I was left alone here when everyone was gone to first floor. XY called and texted me to hurry up, so I can't do much here.
Life cycle of the ant. Hmm... I feel that they should place this near the stair where visitors first step to the museum.
I missed out this table but have to give it a miss...
This one was placed near the stair, Camponotus Irritans - quite a popular ant to keep in formicarium. (learn more in antwiki of this ant)
After the whole ant museum visit, my head can't get over with their names... So I seek Ant Canada for help! Thanks for explaining :)

(Thanks XY) I will never miss this chance to do a last pose here :)
Overall, Singapore Ant Museum is an unique experience, perfect for younger audiences. To anyone who hate ants, got Myrmecophobia, easily get bored personality and high-taste expectation, better stay this place or I will say... they won't even consider of going. For me, it worth my time and money to visit. Will I visit there again? Nope. LOL! Because I had experienced it already unless there are many newer stuff.


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