Friday, November 26, 2021

Hiking - Dark Thomson Visit

Hi Blog,

It had been a while since I visited Thomson Nature Park. I checked, my last visit alone was May 2021 (link) which I went alone and in the previous visit was with Sctt on Apr 2021 (link)

Honestly, missing a good friend, Sctt because of a misunderstanding, was not a great experience. I doubt he will learn this but my prayer and blessing to him and other friends who left and ghosted me.
For now, I shall focus on the short hike and get away from my inner demon while I was doing my No Nut Nov challenge.

Today weather was good and since Friday was my so-called early day off (just 30 mins earlier), best time to explore a bit.
Wearing my favourite colour suit and while many people just threw me a disgusted stare (especially on the left side of this pic, there was a guy who just gave me a disgusted look.) oh well. I know I am not a demi-god so become an eye-sore...
Oh well, once I was alone, I will be at ease and hike in my most comfortable attire with bother how others see me.
Memory reloaded... Bad memory plus inner demons... Oh man. LOL bad combo.
I would like to know the changes here and my wild imagination started to kick in...
I see that the two succubuses (if you are wondering who are those two, you can check this post) were following me, let me bring you two around.
It seemed like Mr Sun was moving to another side of the world earlier this month. The place was starting to get dark.
This place seemed to grow more vegetation.
And I grow in weight.
Thomson Nature Park, what was left and remains for now.
My usual path and I will take you girls (succubuses) to the right path today.
Hmmm... Where are they?
Hmmm... I shall continue my exploration.
Love this area like a ritual place
I hope this place will stay forever as it takes nice pictures :) Right?
Or become an offering myself at the ritual.
Lucky I was not but I wondered where had the succubuses gone to?
Next time, I will walk this path again.
This place started to cover with a lot of moss. Nice patch of greenery.
I guess I will have to wear another colour suit for my next visit next time,
My first time stepping up this stairs to have a closer look at the top of the trees
I guess I will let my imagination end here and focus on my hike.
It is amazing to see a Philodrendon growing wildly here on the tree.
It started to get darker...
Not sure whether it is a good idea to hike and have enough time to complete this area.
A family of wild boars just ran past behind me, lucky it didn't run towards me.
It really started to get dark...
Let's have a quick snap with the bamboo
and a piece of evidence that I broke it. LOL!
The root bond here and connected to Nature.
But I can't stay long... The darkness started to consume this place...
Does it look creepy for you?
Besides that ritual previously, a chopped tree can also be served as one.
It sounded like I am alone in the whole park.
Sadly, I can't capture many pictures here.
I guessed to snap many pictures, I will have to start even earlier.
I will haver to exit this park asap...
Good bye park and memories in the past
Good night Mr Sun and Thomson Nature Park
OOOOO Darkness came.
Completely darkness
Used my huawei phone to snap in darkness, was awesome.
I was tired... Time to return home
Just a short visit at Thomson Nature Park to see, nothing much change besides having crazy mosquitoes sucking more blood, you can feel they were sucking on your skin. Lucky, I am used to them but I bet others won't feel great after visiting there.


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