Saturday, September 18, 2021

Cycling - To Hampstead

Good Morning Blog,

ZN wanted to go for a ride and asked me to find a place. I thought through... ZN doesn't have a bike of his own but he claimed he can rent the public bike. Seriously?

Since he was so confident about it so we will ride early to wake Mr Sun.
Besides catching the sun rise, I also wanted to cover one place... That is Hampstead Wetland Park.

Speaking of Hampstead Wetland Park... I remembered one person, Mr I. Looking through our conversation - Yes I had promised him to visit that place together but need to arrange. I guessed he misunderstood or I am just shxtty. I glad he has friends to hike with him. :)
For me, I would take it as if I go with him.
Hmmm... ZN seemed like he got some stomach issue... Mr Sun already started to open its eye.
After a few exchange here and there, ZN managed to get the functionable bike.
After some delay... Mr Sun woke up already.
Good morning Mr Sun.
Arrived Lower Selatar Reservoir. The scenery here is just beautiful.
Even a ugly fool inside the picture, the scenery was still looking great!
Well... For me and my blog, this is just a space for myself. In my previous visit to Lazarus, I really love the tent (covered) space for myself where I can feel safe. Ugly or fat, it is just me. A space for myself; to be myself.
Can you imagine this? I always cycle along Lower Seletar and have not cycled within this park once. Today is my first time! Mr Sun had given us a warm welcome for our first visit.
Wow! What a beautiful reflective reservoir here. :) So calm.
A photo for the day
(Thanks ZN) or asked ZN to help me out!
oooo! beautiful fern which grows happily on this tree :D
We cycled to Yishun Dam where we supposed to wake Mr Sun and now Mr Sun was high up in the sky.
ZN can't ride on his public-rented bike, he can feel the drag
(Thanks ZN) too bad, I had warned him beforehand but he insisted.
(Thanks ZN) I was wanted to make an easter egg here but... the crowd and ZN's presence... so nope!
(Thanks ZN) just a taste of it will do!
Thanks ZN for making me posed like a model-noob
On our way to Hampstead Wetland, ZN was trying to catch up and he regretted of riding that bike.
For me, even though mine is slow but enjoy the ride is the main reason why I cycle.
Ah! We had arrived! We have Upper Seletar and Lower, now I will register Seletar West in my brain cell.
Mr I, hope you had visited this place already and hope you are doing well.
Hampstead Wetlands Park is a rather small park to rest and recreation for community of Seletar Aerospace.
This place seemed quiet and calm...
It seemed like a conducive environment for plants, birds and other wildlife.
If you have an expectation of beautiful park, you will be disappointed. It is a small typical park.
The only special feature of this park among other parks, it is a nature wetland. Best to visit during evening when most of the birds return home and lesser crowd.
Just chilling
Lovely waterlilies :3
It seemed like a non-Singapore place.
Managed to spot anything?
Just a short while, but you may enjoy the nature at this viewing deck - perfect for bird watchers
(Thanks ZN) I guess one item strike off from my list. Hampstead Wetland clear!
A simple visit to Hampstead - If you have a car, you can drive there to visit the park and cafe nearby. Just to get away from the city.

Today ZN had a painful ride and at least, he is safe, and my send-off with a sincere birthday wish (Mr I's Bday on Oct) to Mr I.


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