Thursday, June 17, 2021

Trip - Explore Lazarus Unexplored

Good Morning Blog,

Just worrying that today leave will turn into waste if it rained today.

It seemed like today Mr Sun and Miss Sky had made a proper arrangement.
Today will be meeting Ai and exploring my favourite place before he started his working life.
Travelling to Marine South Pier on Thursday, the empty cabin made me feel happy!
But... my heart sank quickly when I saw the crowds with young kids and good looking couples... WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ferry will start sailing off by 10am but 920am, there were people started to queue...
Check out the crowds... This ferry has three decks and all three were fully filled, and the ferry had to sail off by 945am and required a 2nd ferry to fetch remaining batch.
Oh well... I will focus on the ideal place!
The ferry was approaching...
On 17th Jun 2021, MY FIRST STEP on the island like a typical kiasu Singaporean! I WANT to chope that shelter!
Oh, Did you see this?
This morning was the low tide of that day!
Always wanted to take a shoot of this bridge and finally here was the chance.
Beautiful Lazarus! :D
Still remembered the title and make a guess what I meant. Basically, based on the ripe timing of low tide and I wanted to explore the unexplored side of this island. I will show you later :)
Beautiful beach :3 So gorgeous!
First time visited Lazarus during low tide and witnessing this "shxt" Hahaha.
You can see fresh seaweed
Check out the low tide and it seemed like today is one of the lowest.
YES! I got this place first! Wahahaha!
Yes Transform into Beachboi!
Honestly, I will prefer high tide so that can soak in the water and...
Have to step on the snails (pointy)
Have to avoid stepping on them.
I will stick my photo taking on the rock. Feeling like taken from oversea.
Wanted to walk over there but I felt it is best not to step on the muddy rock.
Ai and I felt why don't we continue to explore the unexplored side of Lazarus?
Because we could feel the tide started to return so we should continue the exploration
Here is the start of our exploration
Here is one of the part of the unexplored side of Lazarus Island (can only explore while low tide). We started from the left side of the map and continued our way up around.
In my previous post (here), I had started my exploration here but uncompleted.
Had to carry our bags since we won't be able to return.
I glad Ai doesn't mind to do such exploration with me.
We were not sure what is ahead of us. Will we able to get around the unexplored side of Lazarus?
But I definitely like the quiet side of this shore.
Away from our certainty to uncertainty.
My shoes are not the right shoes to wear to explore this rocky shore. My slippers will slip on this rock. (Ai's pun)
Become the beachboi today :3
(Thanks Ai for helping) Is this place looked like in Singapore besides this fatboi?
(Thanks Ai) Ai felt using his phone will have a better shot than my EX-FR100. Which one you prefer?
Time to explore where I stopped previously. Let's go!
(Thanks Ai) Something which got Ai's attention.
(Thanks Ai) I picked up the hermit crab and it popped out like trying to get out from the shell.
Not sure what is laying ahead of us.
Looking back the distance away from Kusu Island
I wondered how it looks like after a right turn...
Some more rocky shore
Rocky shore is not the popular spot for visitor
But it is my favourite photo spot personally XD
I should not wear that slippers, I slipped for so many times here
A natural hole window formation - interesting. It is like a gateway to someplace during the high tide.
We had arrived to the tip of the Lazarus island
(Thanks Ai) We found two camera-shy hermit crabs.
The closest distance to Batam
(Thanks Ai) For the overview from the tip of Lazarus
Hmmm... Litters were everywhere...
Across the shore is ST John Island, another side which I don't get to see or visit.
It seemed like there are some distance away to the bridge
Litters left unattended.
Speaking of rocky shore...
This location is a perfect example of a rocky store
Or stony shore
Ai tried to ask some questions to keep one another entertained. Thanks Ai for trying, I know it is challenging for him to try to connect an old man like me. :) Appreciated.
After trying our best to get over some debits and fallen trees, we finally made it!
Back to civilization
Since we were early and the tide was returning so stripped for the water.
We just realised it was still shallow so I will take a short break.
Then I noticed something ticklish
A bee was trying to lick the salt content from my wet foot. They need this salt in some sense. Based on research, bees will feed on human sweat and tears as a source of nutrition aka salt lick.
The high tide returned and time to go to Kusu for a good bath.
(Thanks Ai for helping) yes! Once again, me with two turtles.
Thanks Ai for today.
I had an uneven tanned... under my armpit is still white...
Finally, I had explored the unexplored zone on Lazarus Island, which can only be achieved when it is low tide. Overall... Don't go there unless you know what to expect. If not, stick to the main beach and you will be fine.


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