Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Blog - November Update

Hi Blog,

New month started, the month when she was getting married. I just simply smiled and moved on.

Set a new target and move towards it
I realised these few days Miss Sky seemed like planning to daily-wash the Earth and my calendar started to pack with programmes and meetings... I will try to go for a workout whenever I can.

1st Nov 2021 - I was told to help out with a video recording for a community on introducing gardening. I didn't expect that I was snapped. Hahaha... if you want to view the final video, you may check it out here.

2nd Nov 2021 - Suits for the Theme #55
(Click here to view more)

3rd Nov 2021 - I decided to change the display box for my infinity stones with a pet terrarium. You may check my journey of collecting these stones here. Funny thing when I got this from a seller, he was wondering what kind of pet I decide to keep, when I told him, I just want a tank for my infinity stones... his expression went blank. LOL!

4th Nov 2021 - YES! Today was a public holiday and my friend wanted to visit a place to see wild neps but due to the high volume of crowds during the holiday... not recommended to visit there though... but it seemed like... my friend was still sleeping. Oh well, I should get some rest for myself.

7th Nov 2021 - Something frustrating happened today, I wanted to buy a wooden panel which I can decorate my garden outside from a carousel seller. I told her that I will be able to travel to pick up the item during weekdays, but she told me that she had brought to somewhere near my workplace and asked me to go to a certain block. To make things worse... it was raining... I guessed that there was some misunderstanding in between our communication... Oh well... I would just accept it and travelled. My emotions were not that nice until I saw the seller. It was an elder waiting for me under her block, after inspecting the item, she showed concerns like how come I didn't bring an umbrella etc. I just realised my emotions were triggered because of my standing of "higher moral" expectation. I should learn to embrace everyone and their limitation; even their flaws. Their limitation/flaw does not make me perfect in anyway, and I glad that I learned something important today. Now my garden looks nice and with some history :)

8th Nov 2021 - Finally got a chance to go for a jog today than raining! At least, I can make some newer trisuit theme and cleared some of it. There was one which took me a while because there was a monkey sitting at the place where I am making new theme. Hahaha. Maybe next time.

9th Nov 2021 - Today I felt so happy with myself. Usually, how will I know whether I bloated and fat? It is to wear this brown shirt. Last time, I would feel these buttons will break from my fat-tsunami... but this time around, these buttons are at ease which is an encouragement of whatever effort I had pushed myself. I slim down! I know I still don't have those washing abs like demi gods do... but as a commoner-commuter, it is a good result.

10th Nov 2021 - Today was the day when the pri 6 pupils showed their appreciation to the non-teacher staff in the school. We received these paper flowers which were made by them and each pot was uniquely designed by them. I got one which was how pupils viewed in me. Hahaha... I wish I am really that handsome. LOL.

11th Nov 2021 - In preparing of the final event before the school closed. I had done the setup of the black cloth backdrop and getting ready for rehearsal.

12th Nov 2021 - My last trunk to get - a dark blue trunk and done. A fat body like me should know when to stop making others vomit.

13th Nov 2021 - Istana Woodneuk Abandoned House
(Click here to read more)

14th Nov 2021 - today morning I woke up in the wrong side of the bed... I supposed to meet my colleague as he wanted to introduce this lady to me (honestly... I don't keep up much hope because she is well-doing foreigner) and asked me to go to museum together to know one another well. I suggested LKCNHM in the beginning... But my colleague counter-suggested to go to National Museum of Singapore and I didn't read properly and ended up, I went to LKCNHM... after knowing my mistakes... I googled on how to get to that museum... When I got there... I went to the WRONG museum - National Gallery Singapore... and even bought a ticket (Thanks God, it is free). After knowing my stupid mistake again, my whole mood was spoiled and had to pretend to wear an extrovert mask to show interests... Extremely tiring...

14th Nov 2021 - Mount Pleasant Cemetery
(Click here to read more)

15th Nov 2021 - Bought a new wood rack but don't have an instruction... So have to be creative on how to screw to secure it. :) Now it looked neat and better.

16th Nov 2021 - Didn't manage to take many pictures besides for my trisuit theme. Don't know why today jogging, I felt more energetic. Great to feel good.

17th Nov 2021 - Done. No more purchase of plant for now. I got my dream plant and hope it will continue to grow... Spent too much this year on my hobby... Really oh my god....

18th Nov 2021 - Yeah... I know my physique does not complement a white trunk, I am just too fat for it. But my love of white is in me. I just wear it and swim, I am not wearing it to show as I don't have a demi-god bod to show... I have to accept the fact and move on.

19th Nov 2021 - So happy today! Our last school event! Good bye to my dear students even though... I know after today, our distance will space out even more... I only keep this shots as my memory and appreciate that you and even my colleagues still want to have me sharing the same frame with them.

20th Nov 2021 - Top Eight Woodneuk Graffities
(Click here to view more)

21st Nov 2021 - Mini Weekend Tour Guide
(Click here to read more)

22nd Nov 2021 - I realised my nepenthes especially my dream Nep TrunEddy... Started to grow miserably... It seemed like it need light. So I had to setup this to resolve it until my bro EK to help me to setup a nice growing area for my plants by drawing cable out from my house. For now... Hope my Power Station will last it.

24th Nov 2021 - Finally got a chance to jog today! Even though, it rained, muddy and wet ground, many text messages, still have fat to burn, trisuit theme to clear, and divert my energy away from my No Nut Nov challenge; slow timing but I am glad that I jogged at least.

25th Nov 2021 - I can't believe that today evening was a sunny one. Perfect time for a good swim and surprisingly, the pool was not crowded. I need to find a new way to take picture by the pool.

25th Nov 2021 - Finally! My Philodendron Splendid arrived. I thought it was lost in the mail. Last plant for my collection. Now focus on growing them. Really love my house plants. If I have a garden, I can imagine how many I can get for myself.

26th Nov 2021 - Dark Thomson Visit
(Click here to view more)

27th Nov 2021 - Finally got a chance to bring my waifu out and let her try some gravelled trail at Coney Island - Oh man, that place changed a lot. Didn't take many pictures because I had broken my NNN combo chain...

28th Nov 2021 - Fighting Inner Demons
(Click here to read more)

29th Nov 2021 - What was great, is to have a heavy rain and where I can receive FREE rainwater to water all  my plants!

30th Nov 2021 - Finally I can wear my favourite green glow-in-dark shoes for my cycling - my waifu's favourite shoes.

November 2021 was so happening to me...

I received messages from a stranger telling me that my eggs were shared within telegram. Time to close it.


  1. Very nice pics, and especially nice ones of you. Keep posting please!

  2. Very nice pics, and especially nice ones of you. Keep posting please!


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