Thursday, October 14, 2021

Hiking - Wild Imagination Hunting

Good Morning Blog,

Yawning... Today I took leave because I wanted some time for myself... Supposed to hike with my fellow hobbyists to find wild SG Nepethenes but... the same kite episode replayed. I will go on my own hiking.

Woke up earlier than my usual work time
Since I took leave and let don't waste it.

I got everything ready I think... Kind of sleepy...
I felt like I am rushing to get out of my house... Usually, I will spend some time in the toilet for some output... But maybe because of I woke up way too early than my usual and my body had not "waken" up yet... I sensed something might go wrong in the hike today...
I felt like visiting Ulu Sembawang since there is a newly opened train line to the north near that place to catch some epic morning shots.
I guessed I am too late...
I didn't know the train travelling and walking distance will take some time to arrive to Ulu Sembawang... Oh well...
I tried to speed up my walking pace but... my tummy started to troll me... It wanted to output... NOOOOO! There is no nearby toilet around these areas and the places where I want to cover today...
ok! Stay focus and snap. Mr Sun was up and no more fog... Next time I will try to be earlier.
I think I can hold my output for a while... as long as I focus
One more last look at this beautiful place.
During weekdays, the crowds are lesser here than at the weekends. So I can take my time to snap here.
Yes! New screen wallpaper for my phone! (Link for that locked screen wallpaper... Like as if anyone wants, shameless me.)
Carry on down to my next place which I want to visit again
Good morning Mr Sun. Yes, I hike early today.
Want to accompany me?
My favourite spot
It seemed like no one came here before me today
Beautiful place :D
Nice reflective lake :3 Great to listen to birds chirping in the morning before they start their day.
Oh yeah! I am kind of worrying to hike so early in the morning with Mr Sun's accompanying. I might be captured in the wood especially in the places that I am about to go and hope nothing bad will happen. I can imagine the scene play out.
One more last shoot before I continued my hike
how I wish I could teleport from place to place. It will be awesome.
But walking will train me well, so not a bad thing too
Oh no... The Zoo sign was gone...
Gone for good... But I know the next instalment will be with Bird's Park. Now it will be in our memory.
My first time walking into Mandai from this direction, everything seems new to me.
hey Fun-guy, how are you being?
Two roads, let's go to the right because left is to an army training area
Oops! An area which I am not supposed to step in? Hand up!
Sorry sir, I am not supposed to be here. Just let me go! I will stay away from there.
Wild imagination meaning I felt sleepy already. Didn't take breakfast and output in the morning before hiking is bad...
That is the training zone.
Yes. First time walking onto this path, it should be a quiet route to take :)
I doubt anyone will want to walk on this route.
Love to take more pictures here with this big log but a few will do.
Usually, during my hike, my mind will start to do reflection but mind was rather quiet and nothing else. (sometimes just imagination mode)
Perhaps because I was in the moded of "recording" and experiencing the route.
Even though, I walked this place before but backwards seemed refreshing.
oh yes! This place :D Where I explored once this March! (link)
Shall we explore here?
Hmm... in the past, there was no such sign board. I guess it is best to tell people not to enter and it is rather unsafe to enter.
The ferns here are growing wildly.
Remind me of my new plant coming sooner...
Hmmm, I heard thunder!
Don't tell me that there is rain somewhere else.
Arrived! The legendary.... err...
nooo... It was broken... Not sure what happened... Must be some visitors frequent stepping caused this... Just six/seven months... it was not like this... I thought I can dress up as spidey and have a nice shot here... Oh well...
Returned and got back to the main objective to find the wild Nep.
It seemed like Miss Sky has some plan... I better be hurry before it started to rain.
Half way of my whole hike - my sweat had soaked my whole suit... and My tummy started to bloat up because no where to output and have been drinking a lot of water... I guess that does not mean that I am not fat anyway.
Anyway, lets focus on completing the whole hike.

As I looked up, there was no one up there.
Let's go up, shall we?
Snap snap. Beautiful Mr Sun and Miss Sky. Glad for posing for us.
I felt bloated and wanted to poo poo...but nope...
Quiet Chestnut Nature Park. Maybe I will try to hike during evening timing.
New sign here.
So risking myself if I enter, I might be captured again.
Familiar route now. :) Next time I should try backward.
Danger Zone! (enter imagination mode) I heard someone is approaching. I tried to hide but I was found and warned not to visit this place. Stay away! (imagination mode ended) Okay, my mind started to play trick on me or since my reflection mode was off... maybe can just turn on my imagination mode then.
(Imagination mode started) In a deep forest, Mr Sun told me that there is hidden treasure in this area.
There were many eyes and creatures hiding here, waiting to capture a living person.
It seemed like besides unknown creatures, there was some human activities going on here.
There were some restricted zone where green-coloured natives do not welcome outsiders because they think we are a threat. I can't blame them for that because not all outsiders have good intention too.
For a curious, noob explorer like me, sometimes, I was not aware that I was about to step into their secret zone.
I stumbled upon to a new place!
A NEW WORLD! (Insert jurassic park theme)
I saw many giant black flying birds with three wings hovering in the sky. let's snap this moment :D Cheer!
then I found some colorful eggs here. Oddly, those colourful eggs have an alphabet E on its surface,  must be from those giant birds! Suddenly, I was surrounded by the green-natives and held me in hostage, thinking that I was stealing those eggs.
I ran as fast as my fat body can. The green-natives were chasing behind and some of them rode on the three wings giant birds, I can hear them catching up.
The green-natives set a lot of traps around here, which makes escaping seem impossible but their traps seemed rather primitive, not effective enough to get me. LOL!
It seemed like they lost track of me so I tidied myself and continued my exploration.
OH! Yes! I found what I am looking for! Can you spot it?
YES! Wild Pitcher Plants were everywhere! Treasure of the day!
This one is Nep Gracilis.
The Nep. Gracilis will climb and vine wildly if you give them the chance.
You can try to find another species from this picture, can you spot any?
They have slightly bigger leaves than gracilis.
Yes! These are Nep Ampullaria!
Glad to see they are everywhere, growing healthy
I wish to grow them. Their cute basal really make Lowland neps a special one.
Too bad, my corridor can't grow these well... Unless I have a big garden and let they climb on the ground to form basal like that.
I should continue my imaginative adventure.
Honestly, after running mindlessly from the chase from the green-natives, I don't know where I am at already.
Lucky that I have my phone which located my position and I really strayed off from my usual route, which was good because I can explore new areas.
With the help of GPS, I got back to my familiar area. A flat hill top and before I could get any break, green-natives ambushed me from behind.
I was pulled to two pillar-trees and they started to check me out. Quite ticklish when they were checking and I didn't steal anything from them.
Surprisingly, after a long discussion among them, they decided to set me free.
And here they entered the forest and never look back. Thanks goodness.
I was considered lucky that they didn't hurt me, if not, it will be a rough journey.
Finally, I found the four ways spot, which meant that I closer to home!
I know which way to go :D
It used to have two exits, now left with one way to exit, another was fenced up.
Along the way to the exit, I spotted something familiar!
As I looked up. oooo! This must be pitcher plant!
This one has longer leaf. it must be Nep Rafflesiana!
There were a few pitchers and most of them were damaged... It seemed like it was done not long ago.
Managed to find an unharmed pitcher slightly from the pavement.
This one has black fluid... It was filled with mosquitoes larves!
As I inspected further away from the pavement... I found more!
oh! Gracilis is here too.
Oh! yes! Nothing got me more excited to find an upper Rafflesiana pitcher! YES! Beautiful!
I found a big one further away from me, but I will not process because to get near it, I will have to step onto a few plants and some are thorny.
A bridge to the real world.
My imagination journey ended here. Thanks to my imaginative green-natives to keep me companied.
Thanks to these pitcher plants to lighten my hike.
one more river to cross...
and I was out from the forest. I felt so heavy in my fat tummy area... It was bloated... As I drank a lot of water and zero output... Instead of saying that I am full of shxt... I really have a stomach of shxt.
I thought of visiting Thomson Nature Park... but nope... I felt the afternoon heat got me... My head started to spin...
the symptom showed that I might get some heat stroke... or dehyration... I will say both might be possible even though I was in the shade during the whole hike and drank a lot... Perhaps the last possible reason was... I didn't take some intake before I started my hike.
Not a long hike but I got tired already. LOL
How will I have intake and while my output still stored in my fat tummy? Well... the only solution will be, bring something sweet to charge myself at least. :) Anyway it was a fun journey and hope you enjoy too. Hope to do it again.


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