Friday, January 22, 2021

Product - HappieWatch

Hi Blog,

Honestly, I feel very disappointed on supporting scummy and shady crowdfunding projects on Kickstarter and Indiegogo (even though there are other similar sites like those two) I had supported a total of 9 projects, only four delivered include this one while the rest just continued to ignore the supporters and happily live anonymously somewhere at Hawaii beach. For my last (9th) support project - Happiewatch

(Image credit to Happiewatch) What a unique watch!
Okay! I admit that I love watches. There are many nice watches which I will like to have but most of those costs 10k+ and unlimited edition like Vacheron. Oh well... but most people will never wear expensive watches casually and put it in a box then sell away like an investment. Personally, I just want to wear it! So... Expensive watches will never want to have any relationship with me; the affordable watches might be the type of watch for me. So I decided to give Happiewatch my trust to indiegogo.

Happiewatch Launch video!
(Image credit to Happiewatch) Happiewatch makes me wanted to wear it casually.
(Image credit to Happiewatch) What an interesting watch face concept - like having a creature looking through a small window to our world.
(Image credit to Happiewatch) I fell in love with this Octopus. That curious pair of eyes really make it looked so cute! And those eyes are representing the hour and minutes.
(Image credit to Happiewatch) The black and red really complement and contrast one another beautifully.
(Image credit to I-forgot-where-I-got-it) Beautiful concept to have on a watch and can become my little pet accompany me.
After around more than five months of waiting, it arrived as "promised". Even though there was some delay but understand that there will have delays. It is better than scammed and no product delivery.
Okay! Enough chatting. Time to open up!
I got three times from the parcel, let see what I got?
A leather bag for keeping the watches
hmm.. Hadi told me that it is for luggage.
Happiewatch started to shine.
it shines!
Nice Wavy hard box cover. Wavy design (water concept) to represent whatever is inside this box.
Look at the CUTE ANIME EYEs! 
Look at how elaborate this Octo is!
It looks like Octo trapped in this small tank
and on my palm. Feeling like I am holding an infinite stone.
It has a serial number and every Happiewatch is unique serial for every owner.
Two straps - Leather and Nylon
Nice colour wow!
Modelled along with my hairy arm.
Just love to look at its eyes. @_@
Octo ready to see the world with me.
Instead of wearing leather, I will rather go for Nylon. So happy to have a watch which I like so much. The watch really lives up its name as HAPPIEWATCH, goodbye to boring watches!
While I was drafting my blog post for Happiewatch, I found out there was an older version of Octo! I WANT IT!
It is a Kraken! Oh man... I doubt I can get one...
oh! Hahaha A youtube reviewing his Octo Happiewatch too. Great to have someone reviewed the watch better than me XD
True and honest reviewer :) Not all perfect and at least something to enlighten my soul Hahaha.
A Chinese reviewer who speaks well. You can consider watching his too.
Overall, Happiewatch really made my day and at least, something which ended my Kickstarter/Indiegogo project support. BUT! I will come back for Happiewatch if they have another launch of watches.

My conclusion of supporting a crowdfunding project - I learned to support projects which had been fulfilled before, which will stand HIGHER chance to receive the product than those which have yet. Hope that will be a helpful tip for anyone who wants to risk in supporting a crowdfunding project.


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