Thursday, September 16, 2021

Trip - Rainy Lazarus

Hi Blog,

Didn't manage to take leave during that term break so I can escape from the school holiday crowd and bring my bro, Sv, who hardly able to take his leave from his heavy workload to my favourite island - Lazarus.
Prepared my usual stuff for this trip and one more additional item, guess what will it be?
Hope it will be a good trip.

Don't know why... Miss Sky seemed rather busy... Bad feeling about it...
Arrived at Marine South Pier and feeling rather empty but yet, happy for the couple having a nice time together.
Glad that today seemed less crowd and YIPPEE! Met up Sv and time to go!
Like a regular, knowing the flow of where which when to board the ferry
Waiting to sail off
We were still early while the ferry was empty... Praying hard that it will stay this way
But NOPE! It was packed with visitors and sailed off!
Two different ferry service providers speeding and see which one will reach the deck first
It seemed like we got the 2nd place.
At least for now, Miss Sky decided to let us have some good time on this island
She was busy building clouds
(Thanks Sv for helping) Let's follow me to experience...
...the scenery of a beautiful beach! (but packed with private boats...)
Just LOOK at the water :3!
But first! Let me reveal the additional item which I brought along!
YES! A Tent which I got myself!
DONE! Nice and cozy!
(Thanks Sv) Aww thanks Sv for helping to capture my candid moments
Honestly, I love to "hide" myself inside a tent - feeling like a kid, just to feel safe and protected from outside world.
(Thanks Sv) Trying to get ready
(Thanks Sv) I think it is better to zip the back to prevent other unwelcomed insects from entering my tent.
Nice to utilize the tent and don't need to put my clothing far away from the beach; a safe place to leave my stuff.
(Thanks Sv) I am trying to become a fat potato
Time to go for a suntan moment
(Thanks Sv) breathe in and pretend to look cool
(Thanks Sv) Maybe get ready to become Beachboi!
Fat-fat hop around
With beautiful beach is always help to spice up the pictures
(Thanks Sv) ...than focus on me.
Snap snap
I think I am really running out of poses... Hope there is a photographer who can instruct/guide me on how to strike a pose.
Oh well... Just be natural will do
I have Mr Sun and Miss Sky to back me up.
While Sv busy with his business calls, I equipped my camera with an underwater casing and time to test it out!
Uneven tanned fat body shot
Are you ready to enter the water? I lost three cameras due to water erosion...
I believed the casing will protect my camera well.
Halfway into the water
Hello fishy! Hmmm... No fish around...
Blurry and the screen started to turn foggy
Trying to tan for a while... Started raining... Sigh...
As the crowds started to flood the beach... I felt that I was judged so... I asked Sv to move to another quieter beach. Oh yes! What a beautiful moss path spotted. :D
OOOOO! Miss Sky's friend was here! Mdm Storm approaching :D
Greeting Mdm Storm! Please give us some time to move to another beach.
While Sv wanted to wash up, I approached my secret place...
I guessed that I will say my previous visit in May (link) is my last visit here... Thank you my secret place for bringing fond memories.
It will be great to take pictures raining beaches.
Mdm Storm seemed like only sweep the Southern Islands
Nice to have Mdm Storm accompanied me
Great to have Mdm Storm chatting with me
I guessed I will return to my tent
Waiting for Mdm Storm to sing
Sv, are you ready to listen to Mdm Storm to sing?
(Thanks Sv) yes! Fat untoned me here. thanks for don't mind taking pictures of me in candid.
Mdm Storm started singing!
(Thanks Sv) I setup my tent again so that I can keep away the mosquitoes from partying on me.
All covered from anything outside the tent! Just a small world for myself
Oh yes! I forgot to take picture of Mdm Storm's performance. :) Glad I got a snap with her.
After an hour of Mdm Storm's performance, she decided to go to her next concert.
I will like to go for another suntan again at Kusu
Miss Sky took over and accompanied with Mr Sun
I guessed that we will have to return to Singapore soon
I will go for another trip next month
glad to have Mdm Storm visited us today, at least, I had a good soak in the water a while even though I felt rather "sank" from the judgement... from some visitors... What else can I do than learning to accept and heck care.


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