Saturday, July 31, 2021

Hiking - Race with the Rain

Good Morning Blog,

This will be a short post about today hike. ZN asked me to go for an early hike, so since I needed some motivation to add a little push towards my tired and lazy fat body.

I would want to start early so I can sleep throughout after that, Hahaha!
Actually, today I don't feel like taking pictures... ZN won't like to take my pictures that much but I learned that it turned out, he is fine with it as long as I don't do it too often. Hahaha... Today we went for a green corridor.

When we were there, we noticed Miss Sky started to gather heavy cloud which I forgot to take pictures of her. I guessed it is best to hike quickly but...

His first time visiting this beautiful railway bridge, and having someone good looking and always look good in the picture, is much easier than...
(Thanks ZN for helping) me trying to look good.
(Thanks ZN for helping) Oh well.. I am just a normal nerd. I just need to be contented and... stopped comparing...
(Thanks ZN for helping) As I read somewhere... Someone mentioned INFJ tends to underscore themselves and overscore others.
(Thanks ZN for helping) For me or any general INFJ, we are not used to receive spotlight directly from anyone...
(Thanks ZN for helping) because we felt there are way better people to be in the spotlight on stage. Most Audiences prefer to see good looking and successful people on stage.
(Thanks ZN for helping) Understanding most people tend to bias or forgiving towards those good looking people... so I usually feel super inferior towards people who have upper hand... I reflected upon myself, and yes I will feel sympathy easily towards people who are lesser fortunate so...
Someone like ZN - Good looking and successful in work (high salary) and relationship, sometimes damp me inside. You may say that I am jealous of him and am I?
(thanks ZN for helping) Perhaps so, because I just want to be treated fairly or appreciated.
(Thanks ZN) Sometimes... It seemed so impossible...
(Thanks ZN) but to be honest with myself, is it 100%? It maybe my thought when I was immature and it was in the past...
(Thanks ZN) Actually, I am loved by others and great lesson I am attending to, even though I don't gain quick immunity from others towards mistakes that I made or earn big cash...
Sorry Blog, While reflecting, I brought ZN to this secret place :) It is named as the Lxst Ark. (I don't want many people to visit this place to damage or disturb the residents there) Oh yeah, Miss Sky was telling us to leave this place quickly because she was about o sweep this area.
(Thanks ZN) We shall have a quick one for a few photos session. Personally, I felt that the name of this place - Ark - trying to tell me something...
(Thanks ZN) An Ark was mentioned in Bible and built by Noah to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the flood; aka Noah's Ark.
(Thanks ZN) This Lxst Ark taught me something, I was lost in the past but I am still seeking for that Ark to save myself from the abyss. The two or a pair of animals will be loaded on the Ark which are... The good and bad, positive and negative, kind and evil, ugly and beautiful, and more... In my life, am I seeking or allowing only one "gender animal" to load on my Ark? Will that balance or able to continue life after the flood? I should learn to embrace both.
Time for your shot, ZN. Smile.
Meanwhile right after we left the Lxst Ark, there is this public trampoline which used by the residents here.

(Thanks ZN) Trying out the trampoline
(Thanks ZN) Even this trampoline, it has to be tough and yet flexible to make such bounce; both element combined to make things worked.
Miss Sky started to sweep that area and we hurried to our destination.
Today might be a short hike but the learning experience for me was great.
I remembered this story about 'Card Playing'.
Miss Sky was ready for story telling and let me try my best to share the story
'Card Playing'

Disclaimer: If I am not wrong. I remembered it was related to Mr Abraham Lincoln (Not sure whether it was a true story or not but it impacted me greatly).

    One rainy night, his family decided to have a bonding game session together. It was Lincoln's first learning how to play poker card. His mother taught and explained him the game rule and play. In the beginning few deal, Lincoln had a very good hand, having all the best cards in his deck, he won for many rounds. But then, he started to receive bad cards... He simply can't win anymore and lost miserably... He was frustrated and whenever he received a deck of bad card, he just threw temper, envious, dissatisfied and even blamed others for giving him bad luck.

    His mother saw Lincoln's reaction, she explained to him, "having a deck of good card, winning is easy and might not even require any skill to win. But when you are given a deck of bad card, you might lose, but if you played it well and carefully and try to reduce the losing damage, or might even ended up winning the game, that is SKILL." (So sorry that I don't remember the actual statement but these are my rough understanding)

     That impacted Lincoln, he started to stop complaining and focus on how to play his cards. Even when he received a deck of good cards, he also played them carefully. he also applied and with more effort when he received a deck of bad cards; he truly enjoyed the game progress which grows his characters mentally and spiritually.

Miss Rain started to rain when we arrived to our final destination. :) I guess today racing with the rain during the hike, it allowed me to plan and predict the timing and distance. Rain or Shine are weathers which I am learning to embrace. Today I found my own Ark and I am happy. Yes, I might feel upset or perhaps jealousy over someone else time to time.... But I know during the progress, it is a good reminder to myself to stand up and be stronger again. The rain might stop my progress... but it will pass and I will have to continue my journey.
:) I had fun today.
Bought some foods to reward myself today.
Breathe in and out deeply. Short post? Hahaha So sorry, ended up, I shared too much. Hahaha. have a good day ahead.


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