Sunday, November 14, 2021

Trip - Mount Pleasant Cemetery

Hi Blog,

After this morning hiccups... I felt that I woke up from the wrong side of my bed...

Since the day was good
Let's go and explore one more cemetery near Bukit Brown Cemetery - Mount Pleasant Cemetery.

I just wanted to find something to do than drilling what had happened this morning
Wore red to lilt up my mood.
OOPS! The light energy... was scalding!
Mr Sun was working hard now. Oh my! Hot!
Had to walk under the shade whatever I can.
If not, from the journey to Bukit Brown to Mount Pleasant, has minimum coverage, I will become dried Jeff.
But I believed hiking at this time is perfect!
Not crowded and allows my imagination goes wild.
Oh man! Really hot.
Okay! Reached Bukit Brown Cemetery (from the side)
The grass got so tall, soon and later, this path will be consumed by Nature.
Hmmm... New bridge was built!
Improvement was made but they didn't make any changes at the cemetery area so meaning the cemetery will remain for some more years.
Nice Elephant Ear plant and me shot.
Before I turned in to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, I just explored other Bukit Brown Cemetery zones.
I felt in peace walking here.
I started to love this strangler plant already, always keep me imaginative.
I am looking for one which has a lot of root hanging. Hope to find it!
To access Mount Pleasant Cemetery, we need to go through Bukit Brown.
Credit Google Map. I need to walk and exit from Bukit Brown, then walk along a road to reach Mount Pleasant.
Afternoon hike here is so nice and peaceful; you barely bump to anyone here if there is anyone here (pun intended).
But if anything happened here, also meant you will have lesser chance to get rescued.
ooooooo! New path!
Ah! Interesting! Nice! I will check it out.
I wondered what will I expect to see over there.
Nice strong growing plants though.
ooooo! Wow! It seemed untouched area or less visited area! My imagination started to turn wild but the mosquitoes were just too many, so I will explore this area next time.
Okay, from this point onwards, was the actual blog purpose. Sorry to waste your time to read through non-related stuff.
Okay! Arrived! There are two paths based on the map.
The entrance of Mount Pleasant Cemetery aka known as Pontianak Land.
I will start with Right path.
The tranquility here was amazing, at least, it healed me from this morning hiccup.
It should be a simple tour here.
I believe this might be the space to burn.
Red fat me burn some fat here.
One unique thing about Mount Pleasant Cemetery is the tombs here, are smaller and neater as compared to Bukit Brown.
Some body actually staying here. Wanted to step closer to take a look, but felt like an intruder.
It seemed like I cannot go further beyond here as the vegetation was thicker.
I guess I will take the Left path next.
Left Path
No burning unless you have seek the permission from authority.
Love this place - no one hikes here at all.
I guess I will visit here again for one more time.
Maybe can take some spidey shot here :)
Yes! Long time never do it already. The sky around this timing was perfect.
Wow! Another big elephant ear!
oops! This is a Police Academy backgate. I guess will have to turn back again.
What a short hike here.
I think, if you just want to visit Mount Pleasant Cemetery, you will be disappointed because it is a small area and short trekking experience; do include hiking at Bukit Brown to make your time worth. :)


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